On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 02:24:45PM +0200, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> Tobias Heider:
> > currently iked(8) supports AES-GCM only for ESP.
> > The diff below adds the ENCR_AES_GCM_16 and ENCR_AES_GCM_12 variants for 
> > IKE.
> > (for more information see [1] and [2]).
> > Both variants support the 128, 196, and 256 bit key lengths.
> > 
> > The new new ciphers can be configured with:
> > - aes-128-gcm, aes-196-gcm and aes-256-gcm for ENCR_AES_GCM_16
> > - aes-128-gcm-12, aes-196-gcm-12 and aes-256-gcm-12 for ENCR_AES_GCM_12
> Is there a compelling reason to implement the GCM_12 variants?

Only that it's actually used in the wild.  I added them because I am forced
to have them for compatibility.  Dropping them would force me to maintain
a local diff, which I would of course like to avoid.

> I remember that truncating integrity tags is problematic for GCM.
> That probably doesn't matter for small IKE exchanges, but then again
> four extra bytes per packet don't matter either.  According to
> RFC5282, full length tags MUST be supported anyway, truncated ones
> are optional.

I know NIST recommends a limit in message size and operations per key
for the 32 and 64 bit truncated versions in [1].  The AES_GCM_12 tag
seems to be long enough to make attacks considerably harder (although
I agree that the non truncated version should always be preferred).

> RFC5282 also says that AES-192 is NOT RECOMMENDED.

Fair enough, I think we can live without those.

- Tobias

[1] https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-38d/final

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