On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 08:09:48AM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> I'll let you know who has sparc64 machines to help out:
> kn was the developer who saw the problem.  jca is also adept
> enough to look at this with you.
I worked with the patches from the wireguard-openbsd repository after
version one of this diff on tech@ became a bit old.

That was until yesterday;  the kernel would panic due to memory
alignment issues in various spots, `amd64# ping6 tunnel-ip.sparc64'
would receive a single ICMP6 echo reply from the sparc64 peer before
panicing its kernel very early in noise init code.

I've had fixed a few bugs and ran into different panics during later
code paths.

Fortunately, using "rev. 2" of your diff on top of a clean checkout just
works so far on sparc64 without any additional patches required - this
is a very pleasnt suprise and I can start looking at it under production
use cases more thoroughly now.

        playground$ arch -s ; doas ifconfig wg0
        wg0: flags=8043<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1420
                index 5 priority 0 llprio 3
                wgport 2345
                wgpubkey mrtNB07tzEJKyJDvhaov7QYt487BXLK3hnnZB+pDIhM=
                wgpeer 9xuyga6Z/W7l/vnLIl67PiRcf57VujfoqpIH5VArpR4=
                        wgendpoint 2001:xxx 2345
                        tx: 701892, rx: 13283708
                        last handshake: 29 seconds ago
                        wgaip ::/0
                groups: wg
                inet6 2001:db8::1 prefixlen 126

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