I think I am missing some basic bit of configuration lore.

I hacked my kernel to change the font size selected by rasops, but I
would like to make a proper configuration interface for it, something
like an integer that biased the default size calculation.

It would be nice to be able to use /etc/wsconsctl.conf to set it, but
screens can't be reconfigured after they are created (I want to fix
that in the future), and it would be better to  have it take effect on
console startup, well before anything else gets loaded.

It feels like what I want is an integer variable that can be set to a
default in the kernel config file, then modified on an existing kernel
with config(8), or temporarily overridden with a parameter from

I see how I can make a numeric option in the config file, but it just
turns into a #define that can't be modified.

Is there any facility like this?

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