On 6/13/20 2:47 PM, Theo Buehler wrote:
>>> Yes. The thing is that you need to convince yourself that this is still
>>> uniformly distributed over the wanted numbers. But it's correct. In
>>> fact, it's enough to flip a fixed bit, so you can get away with one call
>>> to arc4random().
>> Its not immediately obvious because this is not always true.
>> Only true if your bad seed was at least surjective onto the desired codomain.
> Since we start from a uniform distribution, surjective is not good
> enough. It needs to be n:1.

Ah, yes, I missed that we're starting from a uniform distribution.
I assumed the even the original generator one was non uniform.
Which now that I think about it would be non trivial to convert to uniform.

> Flipping the k-th bit swaps the numbers of odd parity (good seeds) with
> the numbers of even parity (bad seeds). The suggested construction of
> keeping a good seed and flipping the k-th bit of a bad one yields a 2:1
> mapping from all 16-bit numbers onto those with odd parity. We're good.
> David Higgs's code is also correct. Probably the easiest way to see that
> is to start from a uniform distribution on [0, 2^16-1] x [0, 15] and map
> it 32:1 onto the good seeds -- (x, k) maps to x if x is good, and to x
> with the k-th bit flipped if x is bad.

Yep, thanks this follows once I get rid of my assumption.


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