On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 15:54:00 +0200
Matthieu Herrb <matth...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there is a way to specify a routing domain/table
> for wgendpoint in ifconfig(8).
> In a VPN client setup (roadwarrior style) I'd like to keep wg0 in
> rdomain 0 and put the actual physical interface in rdomain 1. So that
> all daemons (smtpd, unwind, ...) use the VPN by default and only the
> strict minimum to setup the VPN runs in rdomain 1.
> Everything works if I set wg0 in rdomain1 and keep my re0 interface in
> rdomain 0, but as soon as I set rdomain 1 for re0 and rdomain 0 for
> wg0, the VPN cannot come up (and I see the UDP packets to port 51820
> trying to go out through wg0).

Yes, this is most certainly possible (I have this configuration in a
couple of places). If you haven't found it yet, the "wgrtable" option
(see ifconfig(8)) will allow you to achieve this.

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