Martijn van Duren <> wrote:
> Does this filter actually work for you? Not by my testing, nor my
> understanding of filters. Filter-dkimsign works during the
> filter-dataline phase, so you'd have to circumvent that one, which is
> not supported.

Finally got around to test it. Found the problem too late in the night
to fetch the sources, build and see if it solved the issue for me.

You're correct, the mail is getting signed everytime anyways. Got the
impression that `commit` was the right phase after running `smtpd
-dvvv -T filters` when I first tried with setting `bypass` in
`mail-from` phase:

15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters session-begin
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=connect, resume=n, action=proceed
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=ehlo, resume=n, action=proceed
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=mail-from, resume=n, action=bypass, 
filter=ext_relay, query=lucas@domain.invalid
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=rcpt-to, resume=n, action=proceed
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=data, resume=n, action=proceed
smtp: 0x8941daca000: fd 16 from queue
smtp: 0x8941daca000: message fd 16
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters data-begin fd=11
smtp: 0x8941daca000: fd 17 from lka
smtp: 0x8941daca000: filter fd 17
smtp: 0x8941daca000: message begin
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=commit, resume=n, action=deferred, 
15eac9cd3aadddc1 filters protocol phase=connect, resume=y, action=proceed

`dkimsign` is only showing up in `commit` phase.

After patching, it looks like this:

4ebd6c3015e64c8c smtp connected address=local
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters session-begin
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters protocol phase=connect, resume=n, action=proceed
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters protocol phase=ehlo, resume=n, action=proceed
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters protocol phase=mail-from, resume=n, action=proceed
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters protocol phase=rcpt-to, resume=n, action=proceed
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters protocol phase=data, resume=n, action=proceed
smtp: 0x908842d5000: fd 16 from queue
smtp: 0x908842d5000: message fd 16
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters data-begin fd=11
smtp: 0x908842d5000: fd 17 from lka
smtp: 0x908842d5000: filter fd 17
smtp: 0x908842d5000: message begin
4ebd6c3015e64c8c filters protocol phase=commit, resume=n, action=bypass, 
filter=ext_relay_dkimsign_override, query=

but `filter-dkimsign` is being executed anyways. Later on I'll give
hijacking `data` phase a shot, but I wonder if it'll, as
`filter-dkimsign` registers for both `data-line` and `commit`. What
will if I just hijack `data` and not `commit`? Will `filter-dkimsign`
produce a empty email?

----- >8 -----

That being said, I still think that either the grammar is wrong, or the
manpage should mention that `bypass` isn't available at `commit`.


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