Den ons 16 dec. 2020 kl 10:42 skrev Renaud Allard <>:

> > While there, I propose to change the proposed crontab to once a day
> > instead of every hour. The certificates can be renewed 1 full month
> > before expiracy, I think trying to renew every hour is too much.
> I think that, while waiting for someone to fix acme-client correctly as
> suggested by Florian, this patch is worth committing.
> The crontab change in particular is quite useful, there is really no
> reason to check every hour (even every day is probably too much already).

But it is a local check for the local date vs the date in the certificate,
and perhaps your box is not on at 03:00 on Saturdays as you thought 3
months ago.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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