Probably meant 'sent' instead of 'send'

diff refs/heads/master refs/heads/dev
blob - b03e36a6a8e0513fa1e38a2f078bddb50a796f08
blob + 51b3c984faeeb83bfcd2d68370294690b15c659e
--- sbin/resolvd/resolvd.8
+++ sbin/resolvd/resolvd.8
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ read by the resolver routines in the C library.
 checks whether
 .Xr unwind 8
 is running and
-monitors the routing socket for proposals send by
+monitors the routing socket for proposals sent by
 .Xr dhclient 8 ,
 .Xr slaacd 8 ,
 or network devices which learn DNS information such as

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