On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 03:43:51PM +0200, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> I tried to use slowcgi to execute a binary in cgi-bin/ when accessing a
> resource.
> So the config looked a bit like this:
>         location "/foo/bar" {
>                 fastcgi param SCRIPT_FILENAME "/cgi-bin/foobar"
>                 root ""
>         }
> With this slowcgi fails with:
> slowcgi[98607]: execve cgi-bin/foobar: No such file or directory
> Now looking at the code I'm wondering how this is supposed to work.
> So because of the present '/' there will be a chdir to the directory where
> the binary is but then slowcgi uses the full path to exec that binary
> which is not going to work.
> I attached my fix below which for me at least seems to be the intention of
> the code. I bet I missed a lot of nitty gritty details though.

Disregard this. My broken config had an non absolute SCRIPT_FILENAME
(cgi-bin/foobar) and that is not allowed according to httpd.conf.
I fixed the config later on but did not realize that this was the real

:wq Claudio

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