Dave Voutila <d...@sisu.io> wrote:

> Theo de Raadt writes:
> > Regarding the vmm chunk -- as I said in my other reply, these
> > explanations are too precise.  They risk becoming outdated as things
> > change.  Furthermore, some of those ioctl may work in one way, but not
> > another way.  Which would be too complicated to describe also.  I urge
> > simple messaging:
> >
> > .It Va vmm
> > Operations required by
> > .Xr vmd 8 .
> >
> > It is accurate.  If someone later wanted to use those operations, they
> > would figure it out by reading kernel and vmd source.
> I agree simpler is better. The actual ioctls are documented in vmm.4 and
> this is currently an all-or-nothing thing. You either get to perform all
> operations on the vmm(4) device or none.

What you just said is the truth.  But once you put it in a manual page,
in the future the code may change, and some ioctl might be exposed
without "vmm"..... it is better to be vague.

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