June 15, 2021 8:45 PM, "Dave Voutila" <d...@sisu.io> wrote:

> The first link was to the paper:
> "A systematic analysis of the science of sandboxing"
> Maass, et.al. (2016). PeerJ Computer Science 2:e43
> It is most certainly not paywalled. Maybe you can try this one?
> https://peerj.com/articles/cs-43

Thanks! I'll definitely read it soon.

> I still recommend you read it if you're going to approach folks with
> suggestions of building "sandboxes" as you did.

As mentioned in my last response, my post's intent wasn't even to
convince y'all about sandboxes being great, or how you should build
sandboxes, or do whatever with them. I was only interested in the
(imo) weird behaviour of unveil. I didn't expect that a single sentence
about sandboxes would make you think that my whole post is about them.

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