
I want to document kclock timeouts so others can use them.

I think timeout.9 itself could use some cleanup, both to reflect the
current state of the API and to improve the documentation in general.

This patch includes two small API changes:

1. Combine timeout_set_kclock() and timeout_set_flags(9) into a single
   function, timeout_set_flags(9).  There are no callers for
   timeout_set_flags(9).  There is only one caller for
   timeout_set_kclock().  The caller is updated in the patch.

   into a single macro, TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER_FLAGS(9).  There are no users
   for either macro.

Before we get to the changelist, there are a couple naming things
still nagging at me that I'd like feedback (bikeshedding) on before
the kclock timeout API documentation is committed and, you know,
frozen.  Feel free to weigh in on these:

- Maybe "KCLOCK_TICK" is a better name for the tick-based schedule
  than "KCLOCK_NONE"?

- Maybe "timeout_rel_nsec(9)" is a better function name than
  "timeout_in_nsec(9)"?  The former spells out that the interface
  schedules relative timeouts.  I'm worried the latter is overly

  There are no callers for timeout_in_nsec().  A name change would
  be trivial.

- Maybe "timeout_abs_ts(9)" is a better name than "timeout_at_ts(9)"?
  The former spells out that the interface schedules absolute timeouts.
  I'm worried the latter is overly clever.

  There is only one caller for timeout_at_ts().  Easy to change.

- It'd save a little space if we truncated the external flags
  namespace from "TIMEOUT_" to "TO_".  My thinking is with a shorter
  prefix you could fit more flags on a line.  Think:

        timeout_set_flags(..., TO_PROC | TO_MPSAFE | TO_FOO)


        timeout_set_flags(..., TIMEOUT_PROC | TIMEOUT_MPSAFE | TIMEOUT_FOO);

  We would then change "TIMEOUT_PROC" to "TO_PROC".  There are no
  users of the flag outside of kern_timeout.c, so the change would
  be trivial.


Anyway, here is the list of changes to timeout.9 from top to bottom
with some notes where appropriate to explain my thinking:

- Change the short summary to "in the future".  The phrase "after a
  specified period of time" is inaccurate and a little clunky.

- Update parameters for timeout_set_flags(9).

- Add timeout_in_nsec(9) and timeout_at_ts(9) to the SYNOPSIS.

- Update parameters for TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER_FLAGS(9).

- Reuse the new short summary in the first paragraph of the DESCRIPTION.
  Move talk about granularity limitations down to the new description
  of KCLOCK_NONE.  Note that the execution is asynchronous.

- In paragraph 2 of the DESCRIPTION, talk a bit about the timeout
  object and what it is for.  Talk about how a timeout must be
  initialized before you can use it.

- ... we can then simplify the description of timeout_set(9) in the
  next paragraph.  Note what timeout_set(9) now does implicitly.

- Update documentation for timeout_set_flags(9).  Talk about the
  available kclocks.  Move the flag list into a sublist.

- Tweak the timeout_set_proc(9) paragraph to refer to the TIMEOUT_PROC
  flag instead of duplicating a description of what the flag does from

- Move the description of the static initialization macros up to
  this point in the document.  I think they should be documented
  immediately after the runtime initialization functions.

- Add a paragraph explaining that the functions used to schedule the
  timeout vary with the timeout's kclock before talking about the
  scheduling functions.  We need to note this.  It's an error to
  mix and match functions.

- Simplify the description of timeout_add(9).  Only talk about what
  it does.  Move rules about reinitializing a scheduled timeout
  further down.  Move details about rescheduling a timeout further

- Move the description of timeout_add_sec(9) etc. up to immediately
  follow the timeout_add(9) paragraph.  They are wrapper functions,
  they are relevant *here*.

- Add a paragraph describing timeout_in_nsec(9) and timeout_at_ts(9).

- ... now that we are done describing the scheduling interfaces, talk
  about the rules for reinitializing a timeout.

- ... and then talk about how rescheduling a timeout works.

- Clean up the cancellation function documentation a bit (timeout_del,
  timeout_del_barrier, timeout_barrier).  Prefer "blocks" to "waits", as
  the latter is a bit ambiguous.

- Note when a timeout's pending status is cleared in the
  timeout_pending(9) paragraph. 

- Add a caveat that the underlying memory needs to be zeroed to
  the timeout_initialized(9) paragraph.

- Make the timeout_triggered(9) paragraph a bit more general.
  "Rescheduling" instead of "timeout_add(9)", "cancelling" instead of

- Add timeout_in_nsec(9) and timeout_at_ts(9) to the CONTEXT section.

- Generalize our description of timeout execution in the CONTEXT

- Add timeout_in_nsec(9) and timeout_at_ts(9) to RETURN VALUES.


Aside from adding missing documentation, I think this is more
coherent.  The API is complex, though, no getting around that.

I have a vague idea about dividing the document up into subsections:
INITIALIZATION (timeout_set(9), etc.), SCHEDULING (timeout_add(9),
etc.), CANCELLATION (timeout_del(9), etc.), and MISCELLENEA (macros).
I'm not sure if that would help a reader understand the API or just
make it more daunting.


Index: share/man/man9/timeout.9
RCS file: /cvs/src/share/man/man9/timeout.9,v
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -p -r1.53 timeout.9
--- share/man/man9/timeout.9    11 May 2021 13:29:25 -0000      1.53
+++ share/man/man9/timeout.9    23 Jun 2021 23:39:04 -0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 .Nm timeout_triggered ,
-.Nd execute a function after a specified period of time
+.Nd execute a function in the future
 .In sys/types.h
 .In sys/timeout.h
@@ -55,12 +55,13 @@
 .Fa "struct timeout *to"
 .Fa "void (*fn)(void *)"
 .Fa "void *arg"
+.Fa "int kclock"
 .Fa "int flags"
 .Ft void
 .Fn timeout_set_proc "struct timeout *to" "void (*fn)(void *)" "void *arg"
 .Ft int
-.Fn timeout_add "struct timeout *to" "int ticks"
+.Fn timeout_add "struct timeout *to" "int nticks"
 .Ft int
 .Fn timeout_del "struct timeout *to"
 .Ft int
@@ -83,174 +84,218 @@
 .Fn timeout_add_usec "struct timeout *to" "int usec"
 .Ft int
 .Fn timeout_add_nsec "struct timeout *to" "int nsec"
-.Fn TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER "void (*fn)(void *)" "void *arg"
-.Fn TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER_FLAGS "void (*fn)(void *)" "void *arg" "int flags"
+.Ft int
+.Fn timeout_in_nsec "struct timeout *to" "uint64_t nsecs"
+.Ft int
+.Fn timeout_at_ts "struct timeout *to" "const struct timespec *abs"
+.Fa "void (*fn)(void *)"
+.Fa "void *arg"
+.Fa "void (*fn)(void *)"
+.Fa "void *arg"
+.Fa "int kclock"
+.Fa "int flags"
 .Nm timeout
-API provides a mechanism to execute a function at a given time.
-The granularity of the time is limited by the granularity of the
-.Xr hardclock 9
-timer which executes
-.Xr hz 9
-times a second.
+API provides a mechanism to schedule an arbitrary function for asynchronous
+execution in the future.
-It is the responsibility of the caller to provide these functions with
-pre-allocated timeout structures.
+All state is encapsulated in a caller-allocated timeout structure
+.Pq hereafter, a Qo timeout Qc .
+A timeout must be initialized before it may be used as input to other
+functions in the API.
 .Fn timeout_set
-function prepares the timeout structure
-.Fa to
-to be used in future calls to
-.Fn timeout_add
-.Fn timeout_del .
-The timeout will be prepared to call the function specified by the
+function initializes the timeout
+.Fa to .
+When executed,
+the timeout will call the function
 .Fa fn
-argument with a
-.Fa void *
-argument given in the
 .Fa arg
-Once initialized, the
-.Fa to
-structure can be used repeatedly in
-.Fn timeout_add
-.Fn timeout_del
-and does not need to be reinitialized unless
-the function called and/or its argument must change.
+as its first parameter.
+The timeout is implicitly scheduled against the
+clock and is not configured with any additional flags.
 .Fn timeout_set_flags
 function is similar to
-.Fn timeout_set
-but it additionally accepts the bitwise OR of zero or more of the
+.Fn timeout_set ,
+except that it takes two additional parameters:
+.Bl -tag -width kclock
+.It Fa kclock
+The timeout is scheduled against the given
+.Fa kclock,
+which must be one of the following:
+.Bl -tag -width KCLOCK_UPTIME
+Low resolution tick-based clock.
+The granularity of this clock is limited by the
+.Xr hardclock 9 ,
+which executes roughly
+.Xr hz 9
+times per second.
+The uptime clock.
+Counts the time elapsed since the system booted.
+.It Fa flags
+The timeout's behavior may be configured with the bitwise OR of
+zero or more of the following
 .Fa flags :
-.Bl -tag -width TIMEOUT_PROC -offset indent
+.Bl -tag -width TIMEOUT_PROC
-Runs the timeout in a process context instead of the default
+Execute the timeout in a process context instead of the default
 interrupt context.
 .Fn timeout_set_proc
-function is similar to
+function is equivalent to
+.Fn timeout_set ,
+except that the given timeout is configured with the
+A timeout may also be initialized statically.
+macro is equivalent to the
 .Fn timeout_set
-but it runs the timeout in a process context instead of the default
-interrupt context.
+and the
+macro is equivalent to the
+.Fn timeout_set_flags
-The function
-.Fn timeout_add
-schedules the execution of the
+The interfaces available for scheduling a timeout vary with the timeout's
+.Fa kclock .
+timeouts may be scheduled with the function
+.Fn timeout_add ,
+which arms
 .Fa to
-timeout in at least
-.Fa ticks Ns /hz
+for execution after
+.Fa nticks
+.Xr hardclock 9
+ticks have elapsed
+.Pq see Xr hz 9 for details .
+In practice,
+.Fa nticks
+ticks will usually elapse in slightly less than
+.Fa nticks Ns /hz
 Negative values of
-.Fa ticks
+.Fa nticks
 are illegal.
-If the value is
-.Sq 0
-it will, in the current implementation, be treated as
-.Sq 1 ,
-but in the future it might cause an immediate timeout.
-The timeout in the
+.Fa nticks
+is zero it will be silently rounded up to one.
+For convenience,
+timeouts may also be scheduled with
+.Fn timeout_add_sec ,
+.Fn timeout_add_msec ,
+.Fn timeout_add_usec ,
+.Fn timeout_add_nsec ,
+.Fn timeout_add_tv .
+These wrapper functions convert their inputs to a count of ticks before
+.Fn timeout_add
+to schedule the given timeout.
+timeouts may be scheduled with
+.Fn timeout_in_nsec ,
+which arms
 .Fa to
-argument must be already initialized by
-.Fn timeout_set ,
-.Fn timeout_set_flags ,
+to execute after at least
+.Fa nsecs
+nanoseconds have elapsed,
+or with
+.Fn timeout_at_ts ,
+which arms
+.Fa to
+to execute at or after the absolute time
+.Fa abs
+has elapsed on the system uptime clock.
+Once scheduled,
+a timeout may not be reinitialized with
+.Fn timeout_set
-.Fn timeout_set_proc
-and may not be used in calls to
-.Fn timeout_set ,
-.Fn timeout_set_flags ,
+.Fn timeout_set_flags
+until it has executed or been cancelled with
+.Fn timeout_del
-.Fn timeout_set_proc
-until it has timed out or been removed with
-.Fn timeout_del .
-If the timeout in the
-.Fa to
-argument is already scheduled, the old execution time will be
-replaced by the new one.
+.Fn timeout_del_barrier .
+A pending timeout may be rescheduled without first cancelling it with
+.Fn timeout_del
+.Fn timeout_del_barrier .
+The new expiration time will quietly supersede the original.
 The function
 .Fn timeout_del
-will cancel the timeout in the argument
+cancels any pending execution of
 .Fa to .
-If the timeout has already executed or has never been added
+If the timeout has already executed or was never scheduled
 the call will have no effect.
 .Fn timeout_del_barrier
-is like
-.Fn timeout_del
-but it will wait until any current execution of the timeout has completed.
+function is similar to
+.Fn timeout_del ,
+except that it may block until any current execution of the timeout
+.Fa to
+has completed.
 .Fn timeout_barrier
-ensures that any current execution of the timeout in the argument
+function blocks until any current execution of the timeout
 .Fa to
-has completed before returning.
+has completed.
 .Fn timeout_pending
-macro can be used to check if a timeout is scheduled to run.
+macro indicates whether the given timeout is scheduled for execution.
+A timeout's pending status is cleared when it is executed or cancelled.
 .Fn timeout_initialized
-macro can be used to check if a timeout has been initialized.
+macro indicates whether the given timeout has been initialized with
+.Fn timeout_set
+.Fn timeout_set_flags .
+This macro must not be used unless the memory underlying
+.Fa to
+has been zeroed.
 .Fn timeout_triggered
-macro can be used to check if a timeout is running or has been run.
-.Fn timeout_add
-.Fn timeout_del
-functions clear the triggered state for that timeout.
-When possible, use the
-.Fn timeout_add_tv ,
-.Fn timeout_add_sec ,
-.Fn timeout_add_msec ,
-.Fn timeout_add_usec ,
-.Fn timeout_add_nsec
-functions instead of
-.Fn timeout_add .
-Those functions add a timeout whilst converting the time specified
-by the respective types.
-They also defer the timeout handler for at least one tick if called
-with a positive value.
-A timeout declaration can be initialised with the
-The timeout will be prepared to call the function specified by the
-.Fa fn
-argument with the
-.Fa void *
-argument given in
-.Fa arg .
-macro is similar to
-but it accepts additional flags.
-See the
-.Fn timeout_set_flags
-function for details.
+macro indicates whether the given timeout is executing or has finished
+Rescheduling or cancelling a timeout clears its triggered status.
 .Fn timeout_set ,
 .Fn timeout_set_flags ,
-.Fn timeout_set_proc
-can be called during autoconf, from process context, or from interrupt
+and timeout_set_proc
+can be called during autoconf,
+from process context,
+or from interrupt context.
 .Fn timeout_add ,
 .Fn timeout_add_sec ,
@@ -258,54 +303,52 @@ context.
 .Fn timeout_add_nsec ,
 .Fn timeout_add_usec ,
 .Fn timeout_add_tv ,
+.Fn timeout_in_nsec ,
+.Fn timeout_at_ts ,
 .Fn timeout_del ,
 .Fn timeout_pending ,
 .Fn timeout_initialized ,
 .Fn timeout_triggered
-can be called during autoconf, from process context, or from any
-interrupt context at or below
+can be called during autoconf,
+from process context,
+or from any interrupt context at or below
 .Fn timeout_barrier
 .Fn timeout_del_barrier
-can be called from process context.
+functions may only be called from a process context.
-When the timeout runs, the
+When a timeout is executed,
+the function
 .Fa fn
-argument to
-.Fn timeout_set
-.Fn timeout_set_flags
-will be called in an interrupt context at
+given at initialization will be called in an interrupt context at
 or a process context if the
-flag was given at initialization.
-.Fa fn
-argument to
-.Fn timeout_set_proc
-will be called in a process context.
+flag was set.
 .Fn timeout_add ,
 .Fn timeout_add_sec ,
 .Fn timeout_add_msec ,
 .Fn timeout_add_nsec ,
 .Fn timeout_add_usec ,
 .Fn timeout_add_tv
+.Fn timeout_in_nsec ,
+.Fn timeout_at_ts
 will return 1 if the timeout
 .Fa to
-was added to the timeout schedule or 0 if it was already queued.
+was newly scheduled or 0 if the timeout was already pending.
 .Fn timeout_del
 .Fn timeout_del_barrier
 will return 1 if the timeout
 .Fa to
-was removed from the pending timeout schedule or 0 if it was not
-currently queued.
+was pending or 0 otherwise.
 These functions are implemented in the file
 .Pa sys/kern/kern_timeout.c .
Index: sys/sys/timeout.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/sys/timeout.h,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -p -r1.42 timeout.h
--- sys/sys/timeout.h   19 Jun 2021 02:05:33 -0000      1.42
+++ sys/sys/timeout.h   23 Jun 2021 23:39:04 -0000
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ struct timeout {
 #define TIMEOUT_ONQUEUE                0x02    /* on any timeout queue */
 #define TIMEOUT_INITIALIZED    0x04    /* initialized */
 #define TIMEOUT_TRIGGERED      0x08    /* running or ran */
-#define TIMEOUT_KCLOCK         0x10    /* clock-based timeout */
 struct timeoutstat {
        uint64_t tos_added;             /* timeout_add*(9) calls */
@@ -98,18 +97,14 @@ int timeout_sysctl(void *, size_t *, voi
        .to_kclock = (_kclock)                                          \
-#define TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER_KCLOCK(_fn, _arg, _kclock, _flags)         \
-    __TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER((_fn), (_args), (_kclock), (_flags) | TIMEOUT_KCLOCK)
-#define TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER_FLAGS(_fn, _arg, _flags)                   \
-    __TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER((_fn), (_args), KCLOCK_NONE, (_flags))
+#define TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER_FLAGS(_fn, _arg, _kclock, _flags)          \
+    __TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER((_fn), (_args), (_kclock), (_flags))
 #define TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER(_f, _a)                                    \
 void timeout_set(struct timeout *, void (*)(void *), void *);
-void timeout_set_flags(struct timeout *, void (*)(void *), void *, int);
-void timeout_set_kclock(struct timeout *, void (*)(void *), void *, int, int);
+void timeout_set_flags(struct timeout *, void (*)(void *), void *, int, int);
 void timeout_set_proc(struct timeout *, void (*)(void *), void *);
 int timeout_add(struct timeout *, int);
Index: sys/kern/kern_timeout.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/kern/kern_timeout.c,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -p -r1.85 kern_timeout.c
--- sys/kern/kern_timeout.c     19 Jun 2021 02:05:33 -0000      1.85
+++ sys/kern/kern_timeout.c     23 Jun 2021 23:39:05 -0000
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ timeout_proc_init(void)
        kthread_create_deferred(softclock_create_thread, NULL);
-static inline void
 _timeout_set(struct timeout *to, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, int kclock,
     int flags)
@@ -269,9 +269,10 @@ timeout_set(struct timeout *new, void (*
-timeout_set_flags(struct timeout *to, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, int flags)
+timeout_set_flags(struct timeout *to, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, int 
+    int flags)
-       _timeout_set(to, fn, arg, KCLOCK_NONE, flags);
+       _timeout_set(to, fn, arg, kclock, flags);
@@ -280,13 +281,6 @@ timeout_set_proc(struct timeout *new, vo
        _timeout_set(new, fn, arg, KCLOCK_NONE, TIMEOUT_PROC);
-timeout_set_kclock(struct timeout *to, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg,
-    int kclock, int flags)
-       _timeout_set(to, fn, arg, kclock, flags | TIMEOUT_KCLOCK);
 timeout_add(struct timeout *new, int to_ticks)
@@ -294,7 +288,6 @@ timeout_add(struct timeout *new, int to_
        int ret = 1;
-       KASSERT(!ISSET(new->to_flags, TIMEOUT_KCLOCK));
        KASSERT(new->to_kclock == KCLOCK_NONE);
        KASSERT(to_ticks >= 0);
@@ -402,8 +395,8 @@ timeout_at_ts(struct timeout *to, const 
-       KASSERT(to->to_kclock != KCLOCK_NONE);
+       KASSERT(to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME);
        old_abstime = to->to_abstime;
        to->to_abstime = *abstime;
@@ -497,7 +490,8 @@ timeout_barrier(struct timeout *to)
        procflag = (to->to_flags & TIMEOUT_PROC);
-       timeout_set_flags(&barrier, timeout_barrier_timeout, &c, procflag);
+       timeout_set_flags(&barrier, timeout_barrier_timeout, &c, KCLOCK_NONE,
+           procflag);
        barrier.to_process = curproc->p_p;
@@ -535,7 +529,7 @@ timeout_bucket(const struct timeout *to)
        struct timespec diff, shifted_abstime;
        uint32_t level;
-       KASSERT(ISSET(to->to_flags, TIMEOUT_KCLOCK));
+       KASSERT(to->to_kclock == KCLOCK_UPTIME);
        KASSERT(timespeccmp(&kc->kc_lastscan, &to->to_abstime, <));
        timespecsub(&to->to_abstime, &kc->kc_lastscan, &diff);
@@ -750,7 +744,7 @@ softclock(void *arg)
                if (to == first_new)
                        new = 1;
-               if (ISSET(to->to_flags, TIMEOUT_KCLOCK))
+               if (to->to_kclock != KCLOCK_NONE)
                        softclock_process_kclock_timeout(to, new);
                        softclock_process_tick_timeout(to, new);
@@ -915,7 +909,7 @@ db_show_timeout(struct timeout *to, stru
        else if (bucket == &timeout_proc)
                where = "thread";
        else {
-               if (ISSET(to->to_flags, TIMEOUT_KCLOCK))
+               if (to->to_kclock != KCLOCK_NONE)
                        wheel = timeout_wheel_kc;
                        wheel = timeout_wheel;
@@ -924,7 +918,7 @@ db_show_timeout(struct timeout *to, stru
                    (bucket - wheel) / WHEELSIZE);
                where = buf;
-       if (ISSET(to->to_flags, TIMEOUT_KCLOCK)) {
+       if (to->to_kclock != KCLOCK_NONE) {
                kc = &timeout_kclock[to->to_kclock];
                timespecsub(&to->to_abstime, &kc->kc_lastscan, &remaining);
                db_printf("%20s  %8s  %7s  0x%0*lx  %s\n",
Index: sys/kern/kern_fork.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/kern/kern_fork.c,v
retrieving revision 1.236
diff -u -p -r1.236 kern_fork.c
--- sys/kern/kern_fork.c        19 Jun 2021 02:05:33 -0000      1.236
+++ sys/kern/kern_fork.c        23 Jun 2021 23:39:05 -0000
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ process_initialize(struct process *pr, s
        rw_init(&pr->ps_lock, "pslock");
        mtx_init(&pr->ps_mtx, IPL_MPFLOOR);
-       timeout_set_kclock(&pr->ps_realit_to, realitexpire, pr,
+       timeout_set_flags(&pr->ps_realit_to, realitexpire, pr,
            KCLOCK_UPTIME, 0);
        timeout_set(&pr->ps_rucheck_to, rucheck, pr);

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