
on a carp setup with two external links (main & backup), i struggled a
bit to accept traffic on the backup interface - after fiddling a bit in
pf.conf and looking at the faq
(https://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade69.html) & manpage
(https://man.openbsd.org/pf.conf#reply-to) it wasnt super obvious to me
that reply-to took *the ip of the nexthop on the backup link*.

In the faq for 6.9 there's an example with (iface:peer) but to my
understanding that only works for peer-to-peer interfaces (ppp? pppoe?),
in my case that's a regular /29 with a remote, an ip for each carp host
on em1 and a carp ip on carp1.

since the manpage talks about _interface_ and says 'route all outgoing
packets of a connection through the interface the incoming connection
arrived through' that's a bit confusing, and after unsuccessfully trying

reply-to em1 (the carpdev)
reply-to carp1

i ended up with

reply-to wanbackup_ip (eg none of my IPs)

which works.

did i screwup something somewhere in my config and there's a better way
for that ?

should the manpage be improved for reply-to and talk about 'destination
address' instead of 'interface' like route-to does ?


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