On Nov 19 00:01:04, stef...@sdaoden.eu wrote:
> Jan Stary wrote in
>  <yzam+qt6hadpj...@www.stare.cz>:
>  |On Nov 18 20:13:03, h...@stare.cz wrote:
>  |> On Nov 16 21:33:31, hen...@camandro.org wrote:
>  |>> I've tried to setup a line like:
>  |>> bind-key XF86MonBrightnessDown "<cmd>"
>  |>> in my .cwmrc and the result was that no key event was sent to my \
>  |>> windows.
>  |> 
>  |> Please excuse my X ignorance, but shouldn't XF86MonBrightnessDown
>  |> be catched by the X server (to take the brightness down),
>  |> as opposed to passing it on to cwm?
>  |
>  |Or even sooner? For example, xev(1) does not report anything
>  |when I press [Fn]+[LightsDown] on my Thinkpad T400 running cwm.
> Just tell him that his keyboard does not generate the event,

I am not sure what you mean by that,
but pressing those keys does dim my monitor.

That makes me thinks the event is "catched"
("consumed", "processed" - I don't know the terminology)
before it reaches the xev application (running in cwm).

And that is (I speculate) why the OP also doesn't see the key processed
in his window manager - because it never even reaches the window manager.


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