On 2022/03/20 18:13, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2022/03/20 18:13, Solene Rapenne wrote:
> > I'm proposing a very simple change to the automatic policy of the CPU
> > frequency scheduler.
> > 
> > Currently, every 100ms the scheduler is doing this:
> > 
> > - when the CPU load exceeds the threshold, CPU frequency is set to the
> >   maximum and the variable downbeats is set to 5.
> > - when the CPU load is below the threshold, downbeats is decremented, if
> >   it's == 0 then the CPU load is reduced to 0
> > 
> > my proposal is to change the downbeat to be adaptive to the load, instead
> > of setting it to 5 all the time, I propose to increment it with a limit
> > of 5. Instead of having the frequency set at max for 500ms (5 cycles)
> > every time the CPU usage is above the treshold, we will keep the
> > frequency high for a number of cycles depending how long it was high
> > (up to 5). So, in case of short CPU usage burst like opening a new MP3
> > file for decoding or a click on a GUI, we have a frequency burst of
> > 100ms instead of 500ms.

Running with this now btw (on AC power, but I have #ifdef'd out the
relevant parts of kern/sched_bsd.c). Watching with 'iwatch -i0.05 apm'
it seems to be reacting nicely to changes in use, for example a very
short blip at full speed when opening a new term and it drops down
again quickly. And stays at high cpu during compiles as I'd expect.
Also importantly, it stays at low speed with a browser with various
tabs running, during which time there is some cpu load but not a high

> > I've been using it for a few days, I noticed a huge battery life
>                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > improvement with no responsiveness change.
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^
> This (and the couple of complaints from people who have now seen the fan
> stay on when plugged in, when it didn't previously) suggests that mwait
> is not everything and it _would_ still make sense to still have a way to
> set automatic frequency rather than just force-high for plugged-in use
> too...

Just remembered I've got a shelly 1pm coming next week for something else,
before I do that I can bodge a cable to plug my laptop in through it and
get some figures that I'm hoping should be a bit more useful than the
instantaneous readings from my UPS.

(As of next month's prices here, 10W continuous will be approx GBP30/year,
I've been trying to drop my base load as much as I can, everything helps!)

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