Angelo writes:

> > > > If that's the case, then it would be good if we can keep speaker(4).
> > > > I have multiple headless systems at home which start to beep under
> > > > certain conditions, to alert me.

Just as an aside, in the mid-90s I hacked FreeBSD's morse(6) to
send the real thing out /dev/speaker (or whatever they called it
there).  My system monitoring tools would then send short morse code
announcements out the on-board "speaker" device.  I very much would
*not* want that sort of thing going out through the "hifi" audio
interface where I was, say, listening to music.  And that's still
true today, so I think there's a very good use case for keeping
speaker(4) around.

And this motivates me to see if I still have that patched version
of morse lying around. I should spin it up under Open, if only
because I could desperately use some code copying practice :-)


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