On 2021-10-24 03:06 +02, James Russell Stickney <j...@outband.net> wrote:
> I recently found myself wanting to moniter local time from a number of 
> locations around the world.
> Setting the TZ environment variable on grdc did a wonderfull job at this.
> At which point, I wanted to know which clock was showing what time.
> This lead to the following patch.
> If curious as to how this looked, it was sort of like the image below.
> https://nl1.outband.net/image/grdc_desktop_example.png

I recently found a use for this as well and remembered this diff. One
long line re-wrapped.


(Or commit it with OK florian)

diff --git grdc.6 grdc.6
index 16c1fb5cd3d..69febddc9a2 100644
--- grdc.6
+++ grdc.6
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ skips seconds.
 Pressing the
 .Sq q
 key exits the program.
+.Bl -tag -width "daemon_timeout"
+.It Ev TZ
+Time shown will be from zone as found under /usr/share/zonefile.
+For Example:
+TZ=Asia/Tokyo grdc
 .An -nosplit
 .An Amos Shapir ,
diff --git grdc.c grdc.c
index 287fb14e95f..f8521a5029d 100644
--- grdc.c
+++ grdc.c
@@ -139,6 +139,16 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        do {
+               mask = 0;
+               tm = localtime(&now.tv_sec);
+               set(tm->tm_sec % 10, 0);
+               set(tm->tm_sec / 10, 4);
+               set(tm->tm_min % 10, 10);
+               set(tm->tm_min / 10, 14);
+               set(tm->tm_hour % 10, 20);
+               set(tm->tm_hour / 10, 24);
+               set(10, 7);
+               set(10, 17);
                if (sigwinched) {
                        sigwinched = 0;
                        wintoosmall = 0;
@@ -171,21 +181,17 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                                move(ybase, xbase + XLENGTH);
                                vline(ACS_VLINE, YDEPTH);
+                               if (getenv("TZ") ) {
+                                       move(ybase - 1, xbase);
+                                       printw("[ %s %+d ]", getenv("TZ"),
+                                           tm->tm_gmtoff / 60 / 60 );
+                               }
                        for (k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                                old[k] = 0;
-               mask = 0;
-               tm = localtime(&now.tv_sec);
-               set(tm->tm_sec % 10, 0);
-               set(tm->tm_sec / 10, 4);
-               set(tm->tm_min % 10, 10);
-               set(tm->tm_min / 10, 14);
-               set(tm->tm_hour % 10, 20);
-               set(tm->tm_hour / 10, 24);
-               set(10, 7);
-               set(10, 17);
                if (wintoosmall) {
                        move(0, 0);
                        printw("%02d:%02d:%02d", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min,

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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