On 23-02-07 02:12PM, Tobias Heider wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 11:16:51AM +0200, Ulf Brosziewski wrote:
> > Is there enough interest in this feature among OpenBSD users?  I haven't
> > seen many requests for it, if any.  Moreover, is it a good idea to configure
> > different input methods on this or that hardware just because another OS
> > has different defaults?
> > 
> > Just in case the answer to these questions turns out to be "yes", here are
> > some remarks on the diff.
> I do still believe that there is interest in this feature based on the 
> feedback
> I got from other devs. Having it available as a non-default option as 
> kettenis@
> said would be good enough.
> Below is a revised version of the diff that adds a new mouse.tp.mtbuttons 
> config
> option. It can either be enabled via wsconsctl mouse.tp.mtbuttons=1 or by
> adding mouse.tp.mtbuttons=1 to your /etc/wsconsctl.conf.

I'm definitely interested and would like to see this option made
available. Thanks for working on it, tobhe! I'd be happy to test any
further diffs too

Mark Jamsek <fnc.bsdbox.org|got.bsdbox.org>
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