On Mon 2023.05.15 at 10:41 +0200, Matthieu Herrb wrote:
> On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 06:26:41AM +0000, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> > Both fvwm(1) and twm(1) have a restart menu that contains other window
> > managers by default, which is useful if you want to switch around
> > without restarting X and/or custom window manager config.
> > 
> > cwm(1) only offers to restart into itself by deafult.
> > Add the other two we ship by default so users can round trip between
> > them.
> > 
> > Feedback? OK?
> Last year I mentionned that I think we should retire twm. It's really
> too old and missing support for the modern window managers hints.
> People still using it should switch to cwm or maybe ctwm from ports
> (to keep the same configurarion system), or someone should step up to
> maintain it and enhance it with exwmh support. (but this is somehow
> just wasting time imho).
> Otherwise ok to add this and fix the other WM menus for other window
> managers (those parts of the configs are already local changes in
> Xenocara)

I might argue the opposite, to remove cwm from fvwm and twm restart menus, if
this inconsistency is a real concern. The entries in fvwm/twm are in the
(shipped) example config files, where-as below it is, well, there for good with
no user choice. Heck, how often to do people even use this restart wm to
another WM outside of playing around? Most window managers handle restarts
differently, regardless of what ICCCM/EWMH says) and even then, crossing window
managers like this introduces inconsistencies. It's fine for playing around I
suppose, but is it really a demanded "workflow"?

> > 
> > PS:  fwvm and twm menus more programs we don't ship, e.g. "wm2", and
> >   twm dies when failing to execute them (fvwm and cwm keeps running);
> >   do we want to keep those default-broken entries around?

I'd support removing them.

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