On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 02:20:37PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2023/05/25 15:06, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> > sthen@ reported a bgpd SE crash to me and after inspection of the report
> > it looks like he managed to trigger a mistake in session_process_msg().
> > When for example a NOTIFICATION message is received then the state change
> > clears the rbuf. Now normally the for loop starts over afterwards and the
> > if (p->rbuf == NULL) at the top causes the function to return.
> > In his case the peer had enough messages queued that the if (++processed >
> > MSG_PROCESS_LIMIT) limit triggered after the NOTIFICATION was processed.
> > This hits a break from the for loop and the code at the end of the
> > function adjusting the rbuf trips over the NULL rbuf pointer.
> > 
> > This can be fixed in many ways, I decided to just check at the end of the
> > loop that rbuf is still valid.
> Thanks for looking into this. OK.
> > Triggering this bug is not trivial so it is hard test but the problem is
> > obvious.
> indeed, I don't think I have hit this one at all before.
> Running sessions over routes maintained by ospf6d seems a fairly
> good way to trigger a number of issues ;)

I do run ospf6d on some systems but it seems my setup is too small to
trigger all those strange issues. :(

:wq Claudio

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