On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 09:12:06AM +0000, Job Snijders wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 09:30:19AM +0200, Theo Buehler wrote:
> > I wrote versions of this diff several times in the past but never sent
> > it out. A question by claudio encouraged me...
> > 
> > cryptowarnx() and cryptoerrx() fail at showing openssl error stacks
> > in a pleasant way as no amount of lipstick can make this pig pretty.
> > I don't think these stacks should be shown to the user and they are
> > not a real debugging aid either as I don't recall that this ever made
> > things any easier for me.
> > 
> > This mechanically replaces cryptowarnx() with warnx() and cryptoerrx()
> > with either errx(1, ...) or err(1, ...) depending on whether the only
> > possible error is allocation failure as that might give a useful hint.
> > 
> > Regress will need a trivial diff and I'll send a PR to portable once
> > this is in.
> OK job@
and OK claudio@
:wq Claudio

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