On 2023/08/25 09:07:35 -0600, "Theo de Raadt" <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> Pietro Cerutti <g...@gahr.ch> wrote:
> > The motivation is that several network protocols are line oriented
> > with CRLF as line terminators. SMTP and HTTP are among the most
> > popular.
> Yet, all servers of those protocols and and will accept the simpler 1-byte
> line terminator.

Not http at least.  Try nc www.openbsd.org 80 and type an http
request, httpd(8) will be happily waiting for a \r.

opensmtpd is less picky and is happy with just a line feed.

(I don't have any opinion on adding a flag.  To be fair, even if it
were added I would probably forget and just use ^V^M^M instead of RET
to terminate the lines when manually testing something.)

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