
I ported btop++ (a resource monitor program like top/htop) to macOS,
FreeBSD, and now OpenBSD (pull request:

I would appreciate if anyone could have a look and tell me what stupid
things I did and how I can do it better (I don't have much OpenBSD

I have some questions that I can't seem to find an answer to:

   - is it possible to get the temperature per CPU thread? Right now I'm
   giving both threads on same physical core same temperature
   - same question about CPU usage, it seems only possible to get info on
   physical core granularity
   - Similar question about disk I/O, I can only find a way to get disk I/O
   per disk, so I'm giving all mountpoints the same disk I/O.
   - Is it possible to get disk I/O info per process? Linux and macOS can
   do that, in FreeBSD I also could not find an API for it.

How could we go about including this in OpenBSD (ports or native package)?

(Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list)


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