I've always liked the KNFB Reader App ever since it first appeared for the iPhone some years ago.

I've found many uses of the App though it did take me a while to get used to the idea of being able to use a camera to recognise literally pages and pages of text, menus at my local pub, pages handed to me whilst at an appointment and so it goes on, for those who are considering the KNFB Reader then may I suggest you also read the book "Getting The Picture" which is guide to photography on the iPhone from a blind person's perspective - yes, you're dealing with a camera when it coems to the KNFB Reader and so many other IOS Apps.

I had no hesitation therefore in purchasing the Android version of the KNFB Reader App when it released and thus didnt' hesitate to purchase the windows 10 version of the same App.

I tested KNFB Reader for Windows 10 in two ways, I held a page around 6 inches away from my Webcam for the first test.

Given that the page was held toward the camera just on spec - no aid to help me line-up the page - the results were incredibly accurate and a litte more so when I scanned the page on my HP Scanner using the KNFB Reader, the KNFB reader by default just starts reading once the OCR process has been completed.

The Interface for the App is incredibly straight forward and you can get about all the elements of the App by using the Tab key, cursor keys in the menu system - which is very compact - and the spacebar to select or deselect an option.

Naturally the KNFB Reader Windows 10 App - as do the KNFB Reader Apps for IOS and Android - can integrate with your Dropbox account thus allowing you to Sync your KNFB data and scanned work across platforms and versions of the reader.

Price for the Windows version is $128 US which I consider to be excellent value for money.


"Live each day as if you were goiing to die tomorrow, learn each day as if you were 
going to live forever"

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