
Reply me with suitable profile for the below mentioned requirement...


Please respond to j...@datagrp.com 



Position: BO/Teradata Lead

Location: San Francisco, CA

Duration: 3+ Months




LOCALS to CA are given first preference!!!



The Business Intelligence Consultant will participate in the design, 
development, and implementation of customer BI solutions utilizing 3rd party BI 
tools. The BI Consultant also works with clients to understand, analyze, and 
refine the application requirements and, where needed, provides guidance on 
selection of BI tools and methodologies. Once the design has been validated and 
endorsed by future users and IT, the BI Consultant will turn it into a working 
and optimized application. The BI consultant will unit test and deliver the 
application for an integration test. The BI Consultant demonstrates a high 
degree of BI tool expertise and development skills. The BI Consultant may be 
the Lead Consultant on a project



Thanks & Regards,


Joel Garner

Technical Recruiter

Data Group, Inc.

Certified Minority Women Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) & Small Business 
Enterprise (SBE)


|Office: 1 - 732 - 791 - 2348 xtn: 256| Fax: 732 - 907 - 1174 |Email: 
j...@datagrp.com|Website: www.datagroupinc.net|


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