Hi, Need resume for the below requirement.
Start within 2 Weeks and last for 2 months. Client will pay Rate+ expenses(plz keep rate low) City: Boston State: MA Experience: Intermediate Product Oracle EBS OFSA resource for 2 months of work. Customer would like to extract data (4-year) out of OFSA and send them to a staging area. There are millions of rows data within OFSA, they may only need some of the data. Data manipulation might be required. Data extract process does not have to be repeatable. SQL might be used. They are on OFSA 4.5 and Oracle DB 10.2.4. They are using Performance Analyzer. Thanks & Regards, Mohan Rao Agile Enterprise Solutions, Inc || Ph: 630-242-3952 ext 217|| Ensuring Customer's Success|| moh...@agilees.com || www.agilees.com ||