At 00:20 +0700 1/9/05, Reno S. Anwari wrote:
N e o bilang (tanggal 08/01/2005 15:35):
At 17:06 +0900 1/8/05, baskara wrote:

On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 14:55:05 +0700, N e o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
dan lagipula saya tidak suka ada subtitle indonesia, saya malah lebih memilih subtitle bahasa inggris atau lebih bagus lagi english subtitles yang hearing impaired.

maaf, saya mo nanya. yang dimaksud "subtitle yang hearing impaired" = "closed caption" gak? atau cuma subtitle biasa yang dibuat lebih lengkap (kopian closed caption)?

wadoh, gue malah gak tahu apa itu closed caption. coba cari ke wikipedia...

Captions are distinct from subtitles: subtitles assume the viewer can hear but cannot speak the language, so they only note dialogue. Captions describe all the audio content, as well as information about the identity of speakers and their tone of voice. The distinction between subtitles and closed captions is not made in the UK, where the term "subtitles" is used for both.

sepanjang yang gue inget, subtitle yang hearing impaired nggak nyebutin siapa yang sedang ngomong dan tone voice-nya.
I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good

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