On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 05:22:12 +0700, Budi Rahardjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fred Terman. Eh, ini buku yang mana lagi ya?
> Judulnya apa?
> Saya sih jelas tertarik.

Fred Terman, the father of Silicon Valley 
# Hardcover: 642 pages
# Publisher: Stanford University Press (September 15, 2004)
# ISBN: 0804749140

Harganya 70 USD

> Kalau bacaan saya tentang history of Silicon Valley banyak,
> antara lain:
> - David A. Kaplan, "The Silicon Boys: and their valley of dreams,"
> Perennial, 1999.
> - Michael Lewis, "the new new thing" a silicon valley story," W. W.
> Norton & Company, 2000.

Fire in the Valley udah baca ? 
Terus Silicon Valleey Fever ? 
Sorry lupa ditailnya, soalnya baca di perpus...


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