On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 19:32:37 +0900, baskara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> should then contact the ISSN national Centre of your country or the
> ISSN International Centre if your country has no such Centre. If the

.. dibusek.. 

> Yes, ISSN are assigned to electronic publications. An ISSN can be
> assigned to any serial publication, whether it is printed or available
> on any other medium (CD-ROM, floppy disk, online publications). The

ISSN biasanya tergantung negara kita apply, nah ini yang saya kurang
tahu di Indonesia, Mungkin perlu tanya pak Sulistyo Basuki (Prof.
Sulistyo Basuki, pengajarn Ilmu Perpustakaan UI).


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