Ikhlasul Amal wrote:
On 5/27/05, sn00bborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Saya juga nyoba cari di google dengan keyword berikut:

RTFM reply "from: ("Linus Torvalds"|"richard stallman"|"alan cox"|"eric
raymond"|"eric s raymond")"

Tapi gak ketemu yang pas hasilnya, entah saya yang salah nulis
keywordnya, atau mereka memang gak pernah nulis begitu, entahlah. Saya
rasa saya senang juga kalo bisa jawab post orang dengan rtfm, hick (my
dark side voices).

Eric Raymond secara eksplisit menyebut "How to Ask Question The Smart
Way" dan di dalamnya disebut dengan jelas juga RTFM.

Benar sekali pak Amal, justru karena itulah saya jadi amat penasaran, apakah ESR dan yang lainnya itu *pernah me-reply* suatu post di thread dengan rtfm. Dari *link* seperti yang sudah saya cantumkan yaitu: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?IsYourRudenessNecessary
membuat saya tambah penasaran.

Ini sebagian kutipannya:
"I think that ESR's intentions with this essay are being misunderstood. It is my impression that the essay is meant to be as much cautionary as instructive. He never advocates or justifies such rudeness; he simply explains that it happens (as anyone who frequented several technical fora for any length of time could attest), gives some of the reasons why it happens, and offers some advice on how to avoid being on the dirty end of the stick. His own recommendations for answering questions, at the end of the essay, stands in contrast to the sort of behavior he is talking about.

Mind you, ESR is often notably rude himself, but I think that this just a part of his general penchant for hypocrisy. The faults of the messenger do not necessarily reflect upon the validity of the message. - JayOsako"

Saya coba lagi dengan keyword berikut ini, siapa tau ada yg ketangkep robot:
RTFM ("Eric S. Raymond"|"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"|"[EMAIL PROTECTED]") ("in reply to:"|"Reply:"|"Previous message:") -"hallowed tradition"

Eh belum ketemu juga. Tapi memang gak penting kok, cuma penasaran saja.

Saya udah cukup banyak dapet masukan berharga di thread yg ini, jadi saya undur diri, I'll lay low. Terimakasih banyak.

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