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Former Linux Architect Moves to Microsoft
By  Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

A leading Linux figure, Daniel Robbins, the founder of Gentoo Linux and its former chief architect, has announced that he has accepted a position at Microsoft Corp. ADVERTISEMENT

In a brief note to the Gentoo Foundation Inc. community, Robbins said he was leaving Gentoo and that he will be "helping Microsoft to understand Open Source and community-based projects."

Microsoft confirmed that Robbins began work at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Wash., on May 23. Sources at Microsoft said Robbins is working with Bill Hilf.

Hilf is Microsoft's lead program manager for its Platform Strategy organization. There, he leads Microsoft's Linux and Open Source Software technology group. Before coming to Microsoft, Hilf drove IBM's Linux technical strategy for its emerging and competitive markets organization. Robbins' title is program manager for the Platform Strategy team.

Gentoo Linux is one of the most popular Linux distributions. Its non-commercial status, as well as its reputation as a bleeding-edge distribution, has largely kept it out of the enterprise.

Nevertheless, eWEEK Labs believes that it is a good fit for testing the latest versions of key open-source software components.

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Azil Adi Permana

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