Fatih wrote:
> iya betul setelah dibeli amazon.com.
> tapi yg menarik dari artikel itu kalimat ini:
> "The Indian face of Webaroo is not restricted to Mathur and Sheth, both from
> IIT Bombay. Much of the work on the new software has been done by 50-odd
> software developers and mathematicians in India. The company has its offices
> in Seattle, Santa Clara, Mumbai and Delhi. "
> lebih menarik kalau para di atas diganti dg ini:
> The Indonesian face of Webaru is not restricted to Patriawan and Budi
> Raharjo, both from IIT [indonesian institute of technology] Bandung. Much of
> the work on the new software has been done by 50-odd software developers and
> mathematicians in Indonesia. The company has its offices in Seattle, Santa
> Clara, Bandung and Surabaya.. :)).

Acha ...Babaji :))

Insya Allah tahun ini muka Indonesia di sektor networking bakal nambah
di Santa Clara,Sunnyvale , San Jose dan sekitarnya.

Lumayan  daripada bengong nonton orang lain  yang maju padahal secara
individu kita  juga mampu.

Btw, kalau rajin2 baca Silicon India juga jadi bisa tahu "sejarahnya"
om Rakesh , Azim Prenji dan kawan kawannya. Fatih dong bikin biography
singkat mereka :-))


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