Thanks Danielle.

"Basically, whatever interface a method, or signal comes from, you pass
that as the key to the object." - Is this a dbus-python feature?

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Danielle Madeley <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-01-17 at 16:00 -0800, Anand CVR wrote:
> > Question: Is cm an array or just one ConnectionManager object? The
> > syntax cm[CONNECTION_MANAGER] seems to suggest that it is an array.
> > But the GetManager() method seems to return just a ConnectionManager
> > object.
> cm is an object, but since D-Bus objects implement multiple interfaces
> we use the dictionary-style, getattr syntax to be able to specify which
> D-Bus interface we are making the method call on (this syntax is also
> used in Python for dictionary keys, which is a little more synonymous
> with what's going on here).
> This probably could be explain a little better in the book (it currently
> gets one sentence):
> Basically, whatever interface a method, or signal comes from, you pass
> that as the key to the object.
> Hope this clears things up.
> --d
> --
> Danielle Madeley
> Software Developer, Collabora Ltd.                  Melbourne, Australia
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