Empathy 2.30.2 is now available for download from:

56d0757813444923c9b916f3c6673370  empathy-2.30.2.tar.gz
964b48ccc63a2acdd14224eb763d6bf6  empathy-2.30.2.tar.bz2

What is it?
Empathy is a messaging program which supports text, voice, and video chat and 
file transfers over many different protocols. Empathy uses Telepathy for 
protocol support and has an user interface based on Gossip. Empathy is the 
default chat client in current versions of GNOME, making it easier for other 
GNOME applications to integrate collaboration functionality using Telepathy.

You can visit the project web site:

What's New?
The "Happy Birthday Mum (and Wim :)" release.

No big changes since but still worth upgrading as we fixed a crash.

Bugs fixed:
 - Fixed #621409, empathy- tests fail (Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #621789, crash when closing chat with still-open notification bubble 
(Guillaume Desmottes)
 - Fixed #622201, Can't connect chatroom if space after adress (Guillaume 

 - Updated lv Translation (Rudolfs Mazurs)

21 June 2010
Empathy team

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