Open Video Chat will be returning to Boston July 8th for a HackFest at OLPC
headquarters. If you'd like to come, contact us on the Open Video Chat
mailing list (o...@lists.fedorahosted.org). We will be tackling farsight and
telepathy-farsight to pave the way for cross platform communication.

July 8th @ 10am

OLPC Headquarters
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Come hack with us or participate remotely through our IRC channel
(#rit-innovation on freenode.net ). Please send us an email to our mailing
list with your full name by *Wednesday July 7th at midnight* so we can
compile a guest list for the security desk Thursday morning.

Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=13920529

Official Event Page: http://foss.rit.edu/events/ovchackfest

<http://foss.rit.edu/events/ovchackfest>-Taylor Rose
OVC Devel Team
telepathy mailing list

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