On 08/02/11 15:38, mikhail.zabal...@nokia.com wrote:
Why? service.example.com should be as valid a JID as any other, no?


I think the rationale is to avoid confusing errors for users who enter "foo.bar", expecting to talk to "foo....@gmail.com", or add them to their roster.

I notice that Empathy just silently ignores the failing channel request, though. Excitingly, Gabble doesn't seem to emit a failed delivery report if I try to send messages to "l...@lol.whut", despite receiving an error on the wire, because Prosody doesn't include the <body/> element we tried to send in the error it sends back. (A send error/delivery report is emitted when I try this via ejabberd, which includes <body/>.) I've filed <https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34039> for this isue.

I wonder whether the rationale is basically wrong, and we should allow it, and ensure that we report errors properly and possibly include hints in the UI as to what contact IDs should look like on each network. (For instance, if the CM says something like “domain not found”, hint “did you mean lol.w...@gmail.com?”.)

Either that, or we want a way—Addressing? ;-)—to explicitly label “this is a server-like JID”.

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