At the moment, upstream tp-qt only builds for Qt 4.x. That’s been a problem for 
several platforms now based on Qt 5.x, notably Jolla’s Sailfish and Ubuntu 
Touch, and I assume it will soon come up for KDE as well. Canonical has a 
series of patches [1] that build against Qt5, which have been copied around to 
many packages, but they break building against Qt4. I think we need an upstream 
solution to build for Qt5 as well.

I don’t know cmake well, but looking at those patches, it seems very hard to 
build simultaneously for either version. As I see it, we have these options:

1) Find a cmake expert willing to get it building against either version and 
upstream that work

2) Port to Qt’s qmake, which may involve ABI changes or some lost features from 
the current system, but would be much simpler

3) Branch for telepathy-qt4 and telepathy-qt5, and ask Canonical to submit 
their relevant patches. Merge changes between branches until telepathy-qt4 
support is dropped, and make separate releases

If there is a general acceptance of the idea, I'm willing to explore a qmake 
port. Otherwise, is anyone willing to look at fixing up cmake? Do we want to 
upstream Canonical’s patches and maintain separate Qt4 and Qt5 branches? Does 
anyone from Canonical or KDE have an opinion here?

- John

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