It's GNOME freeze time, so it's about time for another round of
Telepathy stable releases. Development on master has been pretty slow
(maintainers busy elsewhere and/or focusing on trying to make 1.0
happen) so the changes are not very large.

Hopefully any distribution packagers who ship anything
newer/more-bleeding-edge than "latest stable release" already follow
this mailing list...

When we have consensus, we should contact as
well as this list, like Guillaume did last time.

The tl;dr version is that I'm proposing:

telepathy-glib: new 0.24.x

telepathy-idle: keep 0.2.x, or new 0.3.x? (see below)
telepathy-logger: keep 0.8.x, or new 0.10.x? (see below)

telepathy-mission-control: keep 5.16.x
telepathy-gabble: keep 0.18.x
telepathy-salut: keep 0.8.x
telepathy-rakia: keep 0.8.x
telepathy-haze: keep 0.8.x
telepathy-farstream: keep 0.6.x


0.23.x exists, and Guillaume has done a release candidate for 0.24. I
propose we release 0.24.0 and recommend 0.24.x.


0.19.0 has not yet been released. It has a bunch of changes.

I think we should release 0.18.2, and recommend it.


0.3.0 has not yet been released. The master branch implements the new
IRCCommand interface.

If real-world applications (Polari? Empathy?) depend on that interface,
we should release 0.3.0 as a release candidate now, and recommend 0.4.x
for GNOME 3.12. Otherwise, we should stick with 0.2.x.


0.9.0 has not yet been released. There is one new feature (ignorelist),
some fairly intrusive thread-safety fixes, and some smaller bugfixes
(memory leak fixes, enabling XML_PARSE_RECOVER).

I think this is the Empathy maintainers' decision, since it's the
biggest user: ship 0.9.0 as a release candidate now and recommend 0.10.x
for GNOME 3.12, or stick with 0.8.x and backport selected fixes? If we
stick to 0.8.x, I think at least XML_PARSE_RECOVER should be backported.


5.17.0 has not yet been released. The master branch has quite a lot of
refactoring, a C API break, and an on-disk format change for accounts.
It's unfortunate that we never did the release for this, but I don't
think it's sensible to declare it insta-stable without it having had
significant testing.

I think we should continue to recommend 5.16 for GNOME 3.12; if
distributors have unwisely upgraded to master despite the lack of a
release, they will have accounts in the new format and cannot safely
downgrade, but I think they get to keep both pieces in that situation.

We should make sure that telepathy-mission-control 6 can import accounts
from what-would-have-been-5.17.

The rest

There have been no new development releases since the versions we
recommended for GNOME 3.10, and there doesn't seem to be any pressing
reason to upgrade.

The future

I would like to have Telepathy 1.0 stable well before GNOME 3.14
freezes; that hopefully means these will be the last round of Telepathy
0.x stable releases (although we might do a telepathy-glib 0.26 or
telepathy-mission-control 5.18 if necessary).

The major things left to do are:

* merge my port to GDBus, or decide not to
* implement MC 5 account import in MC 6
* make TpClientFactory the top-level object?
* start tracking the ABI properly

I don't think the Names and redesigned Avatars interfaces should be
blockers for 1.0.


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