
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Srinivas_Kotamraju wrote:

> I am trying to install Template-Toolkit ver 2.08, when I tried perl
> Makefile.pl I am getting this error message, Can anyone help me.
> root@linux:/usr/share/Template-Toolkit-2.08 > perl Makefile.PL
> Can't locate File/Temp.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ./lib

Installing File::Temp should fix this but it has been in core perl since 
5.6.1 iirc so you must be using an earlier perl.

Looking in Template.pm, I see it only requires 5.005 so I'm guessing that 
no-one has tested the current release against older perls. I wonder if 
anything else is likely to break ?

Please could you let us know which version of perl you are using and the 
results of the install once you've installed File::Temp ?

Many thanks,


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