On 11 Nov 2003, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> You have exceeded the 4-line .sig boilerplate limit with a worthless
> unenforcable disclaimer.  Please remove this text from future postings
> to this mailing list.  If you cannot do so for mail from your domain,
> please get a freemail account and rejoin the list from there.

Those who use super-shite & fail to trim their posts shouldn't cast the 
first stone Randall.

If you were concerned about the bandwidth used, then you will agree that
you just wasted a whole lot more by spamming the list with your

I approved Jamie's initial post and I'm pleased he was able to find help
here. I don't want to see anyone put off seeking help just because they
are stuck with an office email account. Personally, I'm delighted to see
that UBS are using TT !

This thread is closed. Move along please.


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