### NOTE - this perldoc is not yet finished.  I include it with this
### email to provide more insight into what CET will do.


       CGI::Ex::Template - Lightweight TT2/3 engine

         my $t = CGI::Ex::Template->new(
             INCLUDE_PATH => [’/path/to/templates’],

         my $swap = {
             key1 => ’val1’,
             key2 => ’val2’,
             code => sub { 42 },
             hash => {a => ’b’},

         $t->process(’my/template.tt’, $swap)
             ││ die $t->error;

       CGI::Ex::Template happened by accident.  The CGI::Ex suite included a
       base set of modules for doing anything from simple to complicated CGI
       applications.  Part of the suite was a simple variable interpolater
       that used TT2 style variables in TT2 style tags "[% foo.bar %]".  This
       was fine and dandy for a couple of years.  In winter of 2005-2006 CET
       was revamped and provided for most of the features of TT2 as well as
       some from TT3.

       CGI::Ex::Template (CET hereafter) is smaller, faster, uses less memory
       and less CPU than TT2.  However, it is most likely less portable, less
       extendable, and probably has many of the bugs that TT2 has already mas‐
       saged out from years of bug reports and patches from a very active com‐
       munity and mailing list.  CET does not have a vibrant community behind
       it.  Fixes applied to TT2 will take longer to get into CET, should they
       get in at all.

               my $obj = CGI::Ex::Template->new({
                   INCLUDE_PATH => [’/my/path/to/content’, 

               Arguments may be passed as a hash or as a hashref.  Returns a 
CGI::Ex::Template object.

               There are currently no errors during CGI::Ex::Template object 

           Should something go wrong during a "process" command, the error
           that occured can be retrieved via the error method.

               $obj->process(’somefile.html’, {a => ’b’}, \$string_ref)
                   ││ die $obj->error;

           This method is available for defining extra Virtual methods or fil‐
           ters.  This method is similar to Template::Stash::define_vmethod.

       The following list of methods are other interesting methods of CET that
       may be re-implemented by subclasses of CET.

       exception - Creates an exception object blessed into the package listed
       in $CGI::Ex::Template::PACKAGE_EXCEPTION.

       execute_tree - Executes a parsed tree (returned from parse_tree)

       get_variable - Turns a variable identity array into the parsed vari‐
       able.  This method is also repsonsible for playing opererators and run‐
       ning virtual methods and filters.  The method could more accurately be
       called play_expression.

       get_variable_reference - similar to get_variable but returns a variable
       identity that can be used repeatedly to lookup the stored variable
       name.  This is different from TT2 currently in that it resolves argu‐
       ments but makes no attempt to auto-vivify the structure.  The reference
       is more literally a name lookup while TT returns an actual perl refer‐
       ence to the appropriate data structure.

       include_filename - Takes a file path, and resolves it into the full
       filename using paths from INCLUDE_PATH.

       _insert - Resolves the file passed, and then returns its contents.

       list_filters - Dynamically loads the filters list from Template::Fil‐
       ters when a filter is used that is not natively implemented in CET.

       list_plugins - Returns an arrayref of modules that are under a base

         my @modules = @{ $self->list_plugins({base => 
’Template::Plugins’}) }:

       load_parsed_tree - Given a filename or a string reference will return a
       parsed document hash that contains the parsed tree.

         my $doc = $self->load_parsed_tree($file) ││ $self->throw(’undef’, 
"Zero length content");

       parse_args - Allow for the multitudinous ways that TT parses arguments.
       This allows for positional as well as named arguments.  Named arguments
       can be separated with a "=" or "=>", and positional arguments should be
       separated by " " or ",".  This only returns an array of parsed vari‐
       ables.  Use vivify_args to translate to the actual values.

       parse_tree - Used by load_parsed_tree.  This is the main grammar engine
       of the program.  It uses method in the $DIRECTIVES hashref to parse
       different DIRECTIVE TYPES.

       parse_variable - Used to parse a variable, an expression, a literal
       string, or a number.  It returns a parsed variable tree.  Samples of
       parsed variables can be found in the VARIABLE PARSE TREE section.

       set_variable - Used to set a variable.  Expects a variable identity
       array and the value to set.  It will autovifiy as necessary.

       throw - Creates an exception object from the arguments and dies.

       undefined_any - Called during get_variable if a value is returned that
       is undefined.  This could be used to magically create variables on the
       fly.  This is similar to Template::Stash::undefined.  It is suggested
       that undefined_get be used instead.  Default behavior returns undef.
       You may also pass a coderef via the UNDEFINED_ANY configuration vari‐
       able.  Also, you can try using the DEBUG => ’undef’, configuration
       option which will throw an error on undefined variables.

       undefined_get - Called when a variable is undefined during a GET direc‐
       tive.  This is useful to see if a value that is about to get inserted
       into the text is undefined.  undefined_any is a little too general for
       most cases.  Also, you may pass a coderef via the UNDEFINED_GET
       configuration variable.

       vivify_args - Turns an arrayref of arg identities parsed by parse_args
       and turns them into the actual values.

       The following is a brief list of other methods used by CET.  Generally,
       these shouldn’t be overwritten by subclasses.

       apply_precedence - allows for parsed operator array to be translated to
       a tree based upon operator precedence.

       context - used to create a "pseudo" context object that allows for
       portability of TT plugins, filters, and perl blocks that need a context

       DEBUG - TT2 Holdover that is used once for binmode setting during a TT2

       debug_node - used to get debug info on a directive if DEBUG_DIRS is

       filter_* - implement filters that are more than one line.

       get_line_number_by_index - used to turn string index position into line

       interpolate_node - used for parsing text nodes for dollar variables
       when interpolate is on.

       parse_* - used by parse_tree to parse the template.  These are the

       play_* - used by execute_tree to execute the parsed tree.

       play_operator - to execute any found operators

       _process - called by process and the PROCESS, INCLUDE and other direc‐

       slurp - reads contents of passed filename - throws file exception on

       split_paths - used to split INCLUDE_PATH or other directives if an
       arrayref is not passed.

       _vars - Return a reference to the current stash of variables.  This is
       currently only used by the pseudo context object and may disappear at
       some point.

       vmethod_* - implement virtual methods that are more than one line.

       weak_copy - used to create a weak reference to self to avoid circular
       references. (this is needed by macros and references.

           Add WRAPPER config item
           Add ERROR config item
           Document which TT2 test suites pass

       CET uses the same template syntax and configuration items as TT2, but
       the internals of CET were written from scratch.  In addition to this,
       the following is a list of some of the ways that configuration and syn‐
       tax of CET different from that of TT.

           Numerical hash keys work [% a = {1 => 2} %]

           Quoted hash key interpolation is fine [% a = {"$foo" => 1} %]

           Range operator returns an arrayref [% a = 1 .. 10 %]

           Multiple ranges in same constructor [% a = [1..10, 21..30] %]

           Construtor types can call virtual methods

              [% a = [1..10].reverse %]

              [% "$foo".length %]

              [% 123.length %]   # = 3

              [% 123.4.length %]  # = 5

              [% -123.4.length %] # = -5 ("." binds more tightly than "-")

              [% (a ~ b).length %]

              [% "hi".repeat(3) %]

              [% {a => b}.size %]

           Reserved names are less reserved

              [% GET GET %] # gets the variable named "GET"

              [% GET $GET %] # gets the variable who’s name is stored in "GET"

           Filters and SCALAR_OPS are interchangeable.

              [% a │ length %]

              [% b . lower %]

           Pipe "│" can be used anywhere dot "." can be and means to call the
           virtual method.

              [% a = {size => "foo"} %][% a.size %] # = foo

              [% a = {size => "foo"} %][% a│size %] # = 1 (size of hash)

           Pipe "│" and "." can be mixed.

              [% "aa" │ repeat(2) . length %] # = 4

           Whitespace is less meaningful.

              [% 2-1 %] # = 1 (fails in TT)

           Added pow operator.

              [% 2 ** 3 %] [% 2 pow 3 %] # = 8 8

           FOREACH variables can be nested

              [% FOREACH f.b = [1..10] ; f.b ; END %]

              Note that nested variables are subject to scoping issues.
              f.b will not be reset to its value before the FOREACH.

           Post operative directives can be nested.

              [% one IF two IF three %]

              same as

              [% IF three %][% IF two %][% one %][% END %][% END %]

              [% a = [[1..3], [5..7]] %][% i FOREACH i = j FOREACH j = a %] # 
= 123567

           CATCH blocks can be empty.

           CHOMP at the end of a string.

             CET will replace "[% 1 =%]\n" with "1 "

             TT will replace "[% 1 =%]\n" with "1"

             This is an internal one-off exception in TT that may or may not 
             In CET - it always means to always replace whitespace on the line 
             a space.  The template can be modified to either not have space - 
             to end with ~%] which will remove any following space.

           CET does not generate Perl code.  It generates an "opcode" tree.

           CET uses storable for its compiled templates.  If EVAL_PERL is off,
           CET will not eval_string on ANY piece of information.

           There is no context.  CET provides a context object that mimics the
           Template::Context interface for use by some TT filters, eval perl
           blocks, and plugins.

           There is no stash.  CET only supports the variables passed in VARI‐
           ABLES, PRE_DEFINE, and those passed to the process method.  CET
           provides a stash object that mimics the Template::Stash interface
           for use by some TT filters, eval perl blocks, and plugins.

           There is no provider.  CET uses the load_parsed_tree method to get
           and cache templates.

           There is no grammar.  CET has its own built in grammar system.

           There is no service.

           References are less interpolated. TT partially resolves some of the
           names filter keys and other elements rather than wait until the
           reference is actually used. CET only resolves interpolated values
           and arguments to subroutines.  All other resolution is delayed
           until the reference is actually used.

           The DEBUG directive only understands DEBUG_DIRS (8) and DEBUG_UNDEF

           When debug dirs is on, directives on different lines separated by
           colons show the line they are on rather than a general line range.

       This section containts the alphabetical list of DIRECTIVES available in
       the TT language.  DIRECTIVES are the "functions" that implement the
       Template Toolkit mini-language.  For further discussion and examples,
       please refer to the TT directives documentation.

           Saves a block of text under a name for later use in PROCESS,
           INCLUDE, and WRAPPER directives.  Blocks may be placed anywhere
           within the template being processed including after where they are

               [% BLOCK foo %]Some text[% END %]
               [% PROCESS foo %]

               Would print

               Some text

               [% INCLUDE foo %]
               [% BLOCK foo %]Some text[% END %]

               Would print

               Some text

           Anonymous BLOCKS can be used for capturing.

               [% a = BLOCK %]Some text[% END %][% a %]

               Would print

               Some text

           Anonymous BLOCKS can be used with macros.

           Alias for LAST.  Used for exiting FOREACH and WHILE loops.

           Calls the variable (and any underlying coderefs) as in the GET
           method, but always returns an empty string.

           Used with the SWITCH directive.  See the "SWITCH" directive.

           Used with the TRY directive.  See the "TRY" directive.

           Clears any of the content currently generated in the innermost
           block or template.  This can be useful when used in conjuction with
           the TRY statement to clear generated content if an error occurs

           Used to reset the DEBUG_FORMAT configuration variable, or to turn
           DEBUG statements on or off.  This only has effect if the DEBUG_DIRS
           or DEBUG_ALL flags were passed to the DEBUG configuration variable.

               [% DEBUG format ’($file) (line $line) ($text)’ %]
               [% DEBUG on %]
               [% DEBUG off %]

           Similar to SET, but only sets the value if a previous value was not
           defined or was zero length.

               [% DEFAULT foo = ’bar’ %][% foo %] => ’bar’

               [% foo = ’baz’ %][% DEFAULT foo = ’bar’ %][% foo %] => ’baz’

           Used with the IF directive.  See the "IF" directive.

           Used with the IF directive.  See the "IF" directive.

       END Used to end a block directive.

           Used to apply different treatments to blocks of text.  It may oper‐
           ate as a BLOCK directive or as a post operative directive.  CET
           supports all of the filters in Template::Filters.  The lines
           between scalar virtual methods and filters is blurred (or non-exis‐
           tent) in CET.  Anything that is a scalar virtual method may be used
           as a FILTER.

           TODO - enumerate the at least 7 ways to pass and use filters.

       ’│’ Alias for the FILTER directive.  Note that │ is similar to the ’.’
           in CGI::Ex::Template.  Therefore a pipe cannot be used directly
           after a variable name in some situations (the pipe will act only on
           that variable).  This is the behavior employed by TT3.

           Used with the TRY directive.  See the "TRY" directive.

       FOR Alias for FOREACH

       GET Return the value of a variable.

               [% GET a %]

           The GET keyword may be omitted.

               [% a %]

       IF (IF / ELSIF / ELSE)
           Allows for conditional testing.  Expects an expression as its only
           argument.  If the expression is true, the contents of its block are
           processed.  If false, the processor looks for an ELSIF block.  If
           an ELSIF’s expression is true then it is processed.  Finally it
           looks for an ELSE block which is processed if none of the IF or
           ELSIF’s expressions were true.

               [% IF a == b %]A equaled B[% END %]

               [% IF a == b -%]
                   A equaled B
               [%- ELSIF a == c -%]
                   A equaled C
               [%- ELSE -%]
                   Couldn’t determine that A equaled anything.
               [%- END %]

           If may also be used as a post operative directive.

               [% ’A equaled B’ IF a == b %]

           Used to exit out of a WHILE or FOREACH loop.

           Used to go to the next iteration of a WHILE or FOREACH loop.

           Used to exit the innermost block or template and continue process‐
           ing in the surrounding block or template.

       SET Used to set variables.

              [% SET a = 1 %][% a %]             => "1"
              [% a = 1 %][% a %]                 => "1"
              [% b = 1 %][% SET a = b %][% a %]  => "1"
              [% a = 1 %][% SET a %][% a %]      => ""
              [% SET a = [1, 2, 3] %][% a.1 %]   => "2"
              [% SET a = {b => ’c’} %][% a.b %]  => "c"

           Used to exit the entire process method (out of all blocks and tem‐
           plates).  No content will be processed beyond this point.

           Change the type of enclosing braces used to delineate template
           tags.  This remains in effect until the end of the enclosing block
           or template or until the next TAGS directive.  Either a named set
           of tags must be supplied, or two tags themselves must be supplied.

               [% TAGS html %]

               [% TAGS <!-- --> %]

           The named tags are (duplicated from TT):

               template => [’[%’,   ’%]’],  # default
               metatext => [’%%’,   ’%%’],  # Text::MetaText
               star     => [’[*’,   ’*]’],  # TT alternate
               php      => [’<?’,   ’?>’],  # PHP
               asp      => [’<%’,   ’%>’],  # ASP
               mason    => [’<%’,   ’>’ ],  # HTML::Mason
               html     => [’<!--’, ’-->’], # HTML comments

           Block directive.  Processes contents of its block and then passes
           them in the [% content %] variable to the block or filename listed
           in the WRAPPER tag.

               [% WRAPPER foo %]
               My content to be processed.[% a = 2 %]
               [% END %]

               [% BLOCK foo %]
               A header ([% a %]).
               [% content %]
               A footer ([% a %]).
               [% END %]

           This would print.

               A header (2).
               My content to be processed.
               A footer (2).

           The WRAPPER directive may also be used as a post directive.

               [% BLOCK baz %]([% content %])[% END -%]
               [% "foobar" WRAPPER baz %]

           Would print


       The following operators are available in CGI::Ex::Template.  Except
       where noted these are the same operators available in TT.  They are
       listed in the order of their precedence (the higher the precedence the
       tighter it binds).

       "." Binary.  The dot operator.  Allows for accessing sub-members, meth‐
           ods, or virtual methods of nested data structures.

               my $obj->process(\$content, {a => {b => [0, {c => [34, 57]}]}}, 

               [% a.b.1.c.0 %] => 34

           Note: on access to hashrefs, any hash keys that match the sub key
           name will be used before a virtual method of the same name.  For
           example if a passed hash contained pair with a keyname "defined"
           and a value of "2", then any calls to hash.defined(subkeyname)
           would always return 2 rather than using the vmethod named
           "defined."  To get around this limitation use the "│" operator
           (listed next).

       "│" Binary.  The pipe operator.  Similar to the dot operator.  Allows
           for explicit calling of virtual methods and filters (filters are
           "merged" with virtual methods in CGI::Ex::Template and TT3) when
           accessing hashrefs.  See the note for the "." operator.

           The pipe character is similar to TT2 in that it can be used in
           place of a directive as an alias for FILTER.  It similar to TT3 in
           that it can be used for virtual method access.  This duality is one
           source of difference between CGI::Ex::Template and TT2 compatibil‐
           ity.  Templates that have directives that end with a variable name
           that then use the "│" directive to apply a filter will be broken as
           the "│" will be applied to the variable name.

           The following two cases will do the same thing.

               [% foo │ html %]

               [% foo FILTER html %]

           Though they do the same thing, internally, foo│html is stored as a
           single variable while "foo FILTER html" is stored as the variable
           foo which is then passed to the the FILTER html.

           A TT2 sample that would break in CGI::Ex::Template or TT3 is:

               [% PROCESS foo a = b │ html %]

           Under TT2 the content returned by "PROCESS foo a = b" would all be
           passed to the html filter.  Under CGI::Ex::Template and TT3, b
           would be passed to the html filter before assigning it to the vari‐
           able "a" before the template foo was processed.

           A simple fix is to do any of the following:

               [% PROCESS foo a = b FILTER html %]

               [% │ html %][% PROCESS foo a = b %][% END %]

               [% FILTER html %][% PROCESS foo a = b %][% END %]

           This shouldn’t be too much hardship and offers the great return of
           disambiguating virtual method access.

       "\" Unary.  The reference operator.  Not well publicized in TT.  Stores
           a reference to a variable for use later.  Can also be used to
           "alias" long names.  Note that a minimum of name resolution occurs
           at reference creation time (including resolving any arguments to
           functions or variable name interpolation).

               [% f = 7 ; foo = \f ; f = 8 ; foo %] => 8

               [% foo = \f.g.h.i.j.k; f.g.h.i.j.k = 7; foo %] => 7

               [% f = "abcd"; foo = \f.replace("ab", "-AB-") ; foo %] => 

               [% f = "abcd"; foo = \f.replace("bc") ; foo("-BC-") %] => 

               [% f = "abcd"; foo = \f.replace ; foo("cd", "-CD-") %] => 

       "**  ^  pow"
           Binary.  X raised to the Y power.  This isn’t available in TT 2.14.

               [% 2 ** 3 %] => 8

       "!" Unary not.  Negation of the value.

       "-  unary_minus"
           Unary minus.  Returns the value multiplied by -1.  The operator
           "unary_minus" is used internally by CGI::Ex::Template to provide
           for - to be listed in the precedence table twice.

               [% a = 1 ; b = -a ; b %] => -1

       "*" Binary. Multiplication.

       "/  div  DIV"
           Binary. Division.  Note that / is floating point division, but div
           and DIV are integer division.

              [% 10  /  4 %] => 2.5
              [% 10 div 4 %] => 2

       "%  mod  MOD"
           Binary. Modulus.

              [% 15 % 8 %] => 7

       "+" Binary.  Addition.

       "-" Binary.  Minus.

       "_  ~"
           Binary.  String concatenation.

               [% "a" ~ "b" %] => ab

       "<  >  <=  >="
           Binary.  Numerical comparators.

       "lt  gt  le  ge"
           Binary.  String comparators.

       "==  eq"
           Binary.  Equality test.  TT chose to use Perl’s eq for both opera‐
           tors.  There is no test for numeric equality.

       "!= ne"
           Binary.  Non-equality test.  TT chose to use Perl’s ne for both
           operators.  There is no test for numeric non-equality.

           Multiple arity.  And.  All values must be true.  If all values are
           true, the last value is returned as the truth value.

               [% 2 && 3 && 4 %] => 4

           Multiple arity.  Or.  The first true value is returned.

               [% 0 ││ ’’ ││ 7 %] => 7

           Binary.  Range creator.  Returns an arrayref containing the values
           between and including the first and last arguments.

               [% t = [1 .. 5] %] => variable t contains an array with 
1,2,3,4, and 5

           In CGI::Ex::Template, because .. is an operator that returns an
           array, you may also specify the previous example as the following
           (this does not work in TT):

               [% t = 1 .. 5 %] => variable t contains an array with 1,2,3,4, 
and 5

           CGI::Ex::Template provides special functionality to allow the
           arrayref returned by .. to be expanded fully into a [] construtor
           as in "[1 .. 5]".  Because of this it is possible to place multiple
           ranges in the same [] constructor.  This is not available in TT.

               [% t = [1..3, 6..8] %] => variable t contains an array with 

       "? :"
           Trinary.  Can be nested with other ?: pairs.

               [% 1 ? 2 : 3 %] => 2
               [% 0 ? 2 : 3 %] => 3

       "=" Assignment.  Sets the lefthand side to the value of the righthand
           side.  In order to not conflict with SET, FOREACH and other opera‐
           tions, this operator is only available in parenthesis.  Returns the
           value of the righthand side.

              [% (a = 1) %] --- [% a %] => 1 --- 1

       "not  NOT"
           Lower precedence version of the ’!’ operator.

       "and  AND"
           Lower precedence version of the ’&&’ operator.

       "or OR"
           Lower precedence version of the ’││’ operator.

           Multiple arity.  This operator is not used in TT.  It is used
           internally by CGI::Ex::Template to delay the creation of a hashref
           until the execution of the compiled template.

           Multiple arity.  This operator is not used in TT.  It is used
           internally by CGI::Ex::Template to delay the creation of an
           arrayref until the execution of the compiled template.

       The following TT2 configuration variables are supported (in alphabeti‐
       cal order).  Note: for further discussion you can refer to the TT con‐
       fig documentation.

       These variables should be passed to the "new" constructor.

          my $obj = CGI::Ex::Template->new(
              VARIABLES  => \%hash_of_variables,
              AUTO_RESET => 0,
              TRIM       => 1,
              POST_CHOMP => 2,
              PRE_CHOMP  => 1,

           Boolean.  Default false.  Are absolute paths allowed for included

           Boolean.  Default 1.  Clear blocks that were set during the process

           A hashref of blocks that can be used by the process method.

              BLOCKS => {
                  block_1 => sub { ... }, # coderef that returns a block
                  block_2 => ’A String’,  # simple string

           Note that a Template::Document cannot be supplied as a value (TT
           supports this).  However, it is possible to supply a value that is
           equal to the hashref returned by the load_parsed_tree method.

           Number of compiled templates to keep in memory.  Default undef.
           Undefined means to allow all templates to cache.  A value of 0 will
           force no caching.  The cache mechanism will clear templates that
           have not been used recently.

           Base directory to store compiled templates.  Default undef. Com‐
           piled templates will only be stored if one of COMPILE_DIR and COM‐
           PILE_EXT is set.

           Extension to add to stored compiled template filenames.  Default

           Hashref.  Used to define variables that will be "folded" into the
           compiled template.  Variables defined here cannot be overridden.

               CONSTANTS => {my_constant => 42},

               A template containing:

               [% constants.my_constant %]

               Will have the value 42 compiled in.

           Constants defined in this way can be chained as in [% con‐
           stant.foo.bar.baz %] but may only interpolate values that are set
           before the compile process begins.  This goes one step beyond TT in
           that any variable set in VARIABLES, or PRE_DEFINE, or passed to the
           process method are allowed - they are not in TT.  Variables defined
           in the template are not available during the compile process.


               CONSTANTS => {
                   foo  => {
                       bar => {baz => 42},
                       bim => 57,
                   bing => ’baz’,
                   bang => ’bim’,
               VARIABLES => {
                   bam  => ’bar’,

               In the template

               [% constants.foo.${constants.bang} %]

               Will correctly print 57.

               GOOD (non-tt behavior)

               [% constants.foo.$bam.${constants.bing} %]

               CGI::Ex::Template will print 42 because the value of bam is
               known at compile time.  TT would print ’’ because the value of 
               is not yet defined in the TT engine.


               In the template:

               [% bam = ’somethingelse’ %]
               [% constants.foo.$bam.${constants.bing} %]

               Will still print 42 because the value of bam used comes from
               variables defined before the template was compiled.  TT will 
still print ’’.

               Takes a list of constants │’ed together which enables different
               debugging modes.  Alternately the lowercase names may be used 
               values joined by a ",".

               The only supported TT values are:
               DEBUG_UNDEF (2)    - debug when an undefined value is used.
               DEBUG_DIRS  (8)    - debug when a directive is used.
               DEBUG_ALL   (2047) - turn on all debugging.

               Either of the following would turn on undef and directive 

               DEBUG => ’undef, dirs’,            # preferred
               DEBUG => 2 │ 8,
               DEBUG => DEBUG_UNDEF │ DEBUG_DIRS, # constants from 

           Boolean.  Default false.  If set to a true value, PERL and RAWPERL
           blocks will be allowed to run.  This is a potential security hole,
           as arbitrary perl can be included in the template.  If Tem‐
           plate::Toolkit is installed, a true EVAL_PERL value also allows the
           perl and evalperl filters to be used.

           A string or an array containing directories too look for files
           included by processed templates.

       NAMESPACE - no Template::Namespace::Constants support
           Remove leading and trailing whitespace from blocks and templates.
           This operation is performed after all enclosed template tags have
           been executed.

           This is not a TT configuration option.  This option expects to be a
           code ref that will be called if a variable is undefined during a
           call to get_variable.  It is passed the variable identity array as
           a single argument.  This is most similar to the "undefined" method
           of Template::Stash.  It allows for the "auto-defining" of a vari‐
           able for use in the template.  It is suggested that UNDEFINED_GET
           be used instead as UNDEFINED_ANY is a little to general in defining

           You can also sub class the module and override the undefined_any

           This is not a TT configuration option.  This option expects to be a
           code ref that will be called if a variable is undefined during a
           call to GET.  It is passed the variable identity array as a single
           argument.  This is more useful than UNDEFINED_ANY in that it is
           only called during a GET directive rather than in embedded expres‐
           sions (such as [% a ││ b ││ c %]).

           You can also sub class the module and override the undefined_get

           A hashref of variables to initialize the template stash with.
           These variables are available for use in any of the executed tem‐

           This will not be supported.  You will have to use the full case
           directive names.  (It was in the beta code but was removed prior to

           This will be supported - just not done yet.

           This will be supported - just not done yet.

           This will not be supported.

           CGI::Ex::Template has its own mechanism for loading and storing
           compiled templates.  TT would use a Template::Provider that would
           return a Template::Document.  The closest thing in CGI::Ex::Tem‐
           plate is the load_parsed_template method.  There is no immediate
           plan to support the TT behavior.

           CGI::Ex::Template uses its own mechanism for loading plugins.  TT
           would use a Template::Plugins object to load plugins requested via
           the USE directive.  The functionality for doing this in
           CGI::Ex::Template is contained in the list_plugins method and the
           play_USE method.  There is no immediate plan to support the TT

           Full support is offered for the PLUGINS and LOAD_PERL configuration

           Also note that CGI::Ex::Template only natively supports the Itera‐
           tor plugin.  Any of the other plugins requested will need to pro‐
           vided by installing Template::Toolkit or the appropriate plugin

           CGI::Ex::Template uses its own mechanism for loading filters.  TT
           would use the Template::Filters object to load filters requested
           via the FILTER directive.  The functionality for doing this in
           CGI::Ex::Template is contained in the list_filters method and the
           get_variable method.

           Full support is offered for the FILTERS configuration item.

           This option is used by the LOAD_TEMPLATES and LOAD_PLUGINS options
           and is not applicable in CGI::Ex::Template.

           CGI::Ex::Template has no concept of service (theoretically the
           CGI::Ex::Template is the "service").

           CGI::Ex::Template provides its own pseudo context object to plug‐
           ins, filters, and perl blocks.  The CGI::Ex::Template model doesn’t
           really allow for a separate context.  CGI::Ex::Template IS the con‐

           CGI::Ex::Template manages its own stash of variables.  A pseudo
           stash object is available via the pseudo context object for use in
           plugins, filters, and perl blocks.

           CGI::Ex::Template has its own built in parser.  The closest simi‐
           larity is the parse_tree method.  The output of parse_tree is an
           optree that is later run by execute_tree.

           CGI::Ex::Template maintains its own grammar.  The grammar is
           defined in the parse_tree method and the callbacks listed in the
           global $DIRECTIVES hashref.

       CGI::Ex::Template parses templates into an tree of operations.  Even
       variable access is parsed into a tree.  This is done in a manner some‐
       what similar to the way that TT operates except that nested variables
       such as foo.bar│baz contain the ’.’ or ’│’ in between each name level.
       Opererators are parsed and stored as part of the variable (it may be
       more appropriate to say we are parsing a term or an expression).

       The following table shows a variable or expression and the correspond‐
       ing parsed tree (this is what the parse_variable method would return).

           one                [ ’one’,  0 ]
           one()              [ ’one’,  [] ]
           one.two            [ ’one’,  0, ’.’, ’two’,  0 ]
           one│two            [ ’one’,  0, ’│’, ’two’,  0 ]
           one.$two           [ ’one’,  0, ’.’, [’two’, 0 ], 0 ]
           one(two)           [ ’one’,  [ [’two’, 0] ] ]
           one.${two().three} [ ’one’,  0, ’.’, [’two’, [], ’.’, ’three’, 0], 
           2.34               2.34
           "one"              "one"
           "one"│length       [ \"one", 0, ’│’, ’length’, 0 ]
           "one $a two"       [ \ [ ’~’, ’one ’, [’a’, 0], ’ two’ ], 0 ]
           [0, 1, 2]          [ \ [ ’arrayref’, 0, 1, 2 ], 0 ]
           [0, 1, 2].size     [ \ [ ’arrayref’, 0, 1, 2 ], 0, ’.’, ’size’, 0 ]
           [’a’, a, $a ]      [ \ [ ’arrayref’, ’a’, [’a’, 0], [[’a’, 0], 
0] ], 0]
           {a  => ’b’}        [ \ [ ’hashref’,  ’a’, ’b’ ], 0 ]
           {a  => ’b’}.size   [ \ [ ’hashref’,  ’a’, ’b’ ], 0, ’.’, ’size’, 
0 ]
           {$a => b}          [ \ [ ’hashref’,  [’a’, 0], [’b’, 0] ], 0 ]
           1 + 2 + 3 + 4      [ \ [ ’+’, 1, 2, 3, 4 ], 0]
           a + b              [ \ [ ’+’, [’a’, 0], [’b’, 0] ], 0 ]
           a * (b + c)        [ \ [ ’*’, [’a’, 0], [ \ [’+’, [’b’, 0], [’c’, 
0]], 0 ]], 0 ]
           (a + b)            [ \ [ ’+’, [’a’, 0], [’b’, 0] ]], 0 ]
           (a + b) * c        [ \ [ ’*’, [ \ [ ’+’, [’a’, 0], [’b’, 0] ], 0 ], 
[’c’, 0] ], 0 ]
           a ? b : c          [ \ [ ’?’, [’a’, 0], [’b’, 0], [’c’, 0] ], 0 ]
           a ││ b ││ c        [ \ [ ’││’, [’a’, 0], [’b’, 0], [’c’, 0] ], 0 ]
           ! a                [ \ [ ’!’, [’a’, 0] ], 0 ]

       Some notes on the parsing.

           Operators are parsed as part of the variable and become part of the 
variable tree.

           Operators are stored in the variable tree using a reference to the 
arrayref - which
           allows for quickly decending the parsed variable tree and 
determining that the next
           node is an operator.

           Parens () can be used at any point in an expression to disambiguate 

           "Variables" that appear to be literal strings or literal numbers
           are returned as the literal (no operator tree).

       The following perl can be typed at the command line to view the parsed
       variable tree.

           perl -e ’my $a = "\"one \$a two\"";
              use CGI::Ex::Template;
              use Data::Dumper;
              print Dumper(CGI::Ex::Template->new->parse_variable(\$a));’

       Paul Seamons <mail at seamons dot com>

perl v5.8.7                       2006-05-04           .::CGI::Ex::Template(3)

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