
> I couldn't find a "for" inside TT, but I saw that I could write something
> like:
> [% FOREACH i IN [0 .. LISTSIZE] %]
> ... Doing stuff with [% i %]
> [% END %]

Well, this should work (untested):

        [% FOREACH i IN [0..LISTSIZE] %]
                [% UNLESS loop.last %]
                        [%# do something with i %]
                [% END %]
        [% END %]

But my real question to you would be this:

In Perl, I would write
something like this:

for ($i=0; $i < $LISTSIZE; $i++) {
# Doing stuff with $i

Why? I hardly ever write for loops like that (the only time I can think of is for iterating two arrays in parallel, and Perl 6 will fix that for me). I almost always write:

        foreach my $item (@LIST)
                # doing stuff with $item

If you're able to do something like that, it would eliminate the problem altogether. Of course in Perl if you need $i for anything other than indexing the array, you're sort of hosed, but in TT2, you can always use [% loop.index %] (or [% loop.count %]) instead.

                -- Buddy

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