We include our application version number in the template cache path, like:

       COMPILE_DIR => '/tmp/tt-cache-' . Vox->VERSION,


On 5/10/07, Bill Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 5/10/07, Travis Basevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bill Ward wrote:
> > How about an option to disable the timestamp check and unconditionally
> > do the conversion?
> Wouldn't that defeat the entire purpose of having a compiled cached
> version? Or am I completely confused? (The smart money is on the latter)

Only if the compiled cache is automatic ... I guess I didn't explain
what I meant very well.  What I meant was to have some way for you to
specify that the template has changed, rather than to go by timestamps

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

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