> Having a [%#* *#%] would be very nice. I would prefer that over the [%
> COMMENT %]...[% END %] syntax.
> Possible bonus points if it can handle comments inside comments. For
> example by detecting the character after the '#'. ie: [%#1
>   blah...
>   [%#0
>   foo ...
>   [%#* Some other crazy code *#%]
>   bar...
>   0#%]
> 1#%]

The Perl 6ish way to do things would be to allow things like







Essentially - however many stars you have you need to have later on.  I forget 
which Perl 6 constructs use this.   Thinking about it, this works in Perl 5 
POD (as in C<< < >>).  That way you add as many stars as are necessary to 
wrap whatever you have - but usually you'll only need [%#* *#%].

If we can get a ruling either way I'll add it to Template::Alloy which will 
make it available in Template::Parser::CET which will make it available for 
use on TT.


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