Yes I would have to agree. Purchase the Badger Book.
Andy has written an excellent section on creating site mapping.
Although a little hard to wrap your head around at first, VERY streamlined
and efficient once you do.

As well as MANY other great examples!

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Sherwood Botsford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thank heavens that Andy put lots of snippets of code in
> his examples.  Looking at other people's code is very much
> part of my learning process.
> I'm new to tt2, and new to OO programming in general.  There
> is a paradigm shift that I'm still wrapping my mind around.
> Questions:
> There is a ton of perl code out there to learn from.  Sysadmins
> have littered the net with scripts.  Web spinners have
> countless cgi scripts posted.
> Q1: Where do the templates hide?
> That is, where can I go to see entire small to medium sized
> projects, as opposed to snippets?  (Ok, where can I get some one
> else's round rock to use as start to make my wheel?)
> Q2: In several places browsing the list archives, I see reference
> to separating the logic from the content.  I've been able to do
> this somewhat. My content div is only content, with a call to
> header and footer. But my file is an awful mix of
> template code with chunks of display.  The net effect is
> cluttered. Does anyone have a pointer to how to make this
> separation cleaner?
> Q3.  How do you make templates that are both easy to read and
> that create output that's easy to read.  I've tried various
> combinations of the space slurping options, but I end up with too
> much or too  little space, and awful formatting.  I can see
> one way would be to build the entire page as a single string,
> do a clear, then output the string.  This means that I have
> to track the formatting inside the template logic, which seems
> awkward.  Alternately, I have to create a pretty printer for
> each style of file.  Set your template to look pretty, then
> run the output through pretty.  This is better, but doing the
> pp code could take longer than doing the template.
> Here's an example:  The purpose of this code is to turn a
> directory structure into a menu.  E.g.  If I move a template file
> in the tt2 tree, then the resulting menu for the web site
> does the right thing.  This way, the content directory is
> a bunch of static divs. Most of the appearance is controlled
> by the style sheet.
> This gives the same effect as the TT2
> web site, where clicking on any menu item expands just that item,
> so that at any point you can see the siblings of all path
> elements between you and the top.  Sort of a bread-slice
> effect instead of a bread crumb effect.
> The only caveats:  For any directory
> there must be a file IN it with the same name  Eg.
> Foo must contain Foo.tt2.  If you want menu items in sequence
> other than alphabetical, you can prepend a digit_ to the front
> of the name so that alphabetical order is consistent with desired
> order.  Since there is also a top level nav to get to this part
> of the tree, there is a reference to "Section" which is the
> current top level division of the site.
> You will also see chunks of debugging stuff.  I wanted the output
> near the item it was working with. I'm sure there's
> a better way to do this, but I've not found it yet.
> It's a bad example.  The code is clunky. It's ugly.
> It's mother dresses it funny. How should it be done?
> <div id="vnavbox">
> [% USE String %]
> [% USE dir = Directory("tt2/" _ Section ) %]
> [% #The next two lines figure out how to make the links
>    # to the right page as relative links.
>    depth ='/') ;
>    lrtop ='../').repeat(depth.size - 1) ; %]
> [% Level = 0 #Formatting can depend on level in the tree. %]
> [% INCLUDE subdir %]
> [% BLOCK subdir %]
>    [% Level = Level + 1 %]
>    [% PROCESS set_html_tags %]
>    [% FOREACH entry = dir.list %]
>       [%#<p>$Level $</p>a%]
>       [% plainentry ='tt2/') %]
>       [% INCLUDE makelink %]
>       [%# The logic in the next few lines determines
>        whether we scan directories.  In essence we want to see
>        the siblings of every path element down to the present
>        location.  To do that we compare the path for the entry
>        to the path of the template. The direntry starts at a
>        different point, so we have to prune the leading tt2 off
>        of it. %]
>       [% IF entry.isdir %]
>          [% IF %]
>             [% entry.scan %]
>             [% INCLUDE subdir dir=entry %]
>          [% END %]
>       [% END %]
>    [% END %]
> [% END %]
> [% BLOCK makelink %]
>    [%# We generate both the link name and the link path
>        from the directory path of the item we're looking at%]
>    [% truepath = entry.path.replace('tt2/','')
>       # Take tt2 off the front end of the path%]
>    [% truepath = truepath.replace('.tt2','.html')
>       # Change the .tt2 at the end to .html %]
>    [% linkname ='^[0-9_]*','')
>       #Filenames may have a number_ prefix to force order %]
>    [% linkname = linkname.replace('_',' ')
>       #Make the link more readable %]
>    [% linkname = linkname.replace('\.tt2$','')
>       #Trim the .tt2 %]
>    [% IF == plainentry %]
>       [% class = 'class="current"'
>        #Set how the current page in the menu is highlighted %]
>    [% ELSE %]
>             [% class = '' %]
>    [% END %]
>          [%#<p>pe: $plainentry <BR> tn:$<p>%]
>    [% IF entry.isdir %]
>       [% link = lrtop _ truepath _ '/' _ _ '.html' %]
>       [%#  <p>D: tp $truepath<br> en=$</p>%]
>    [% ELSE %]
>      [% link = lrtop _ truepath %]
>      [%#  <p>F:tp= $truepath </p>%]
>      [%# We want the directory item itself to have a page, but we
>          don't want to show that filename in the tree.  So we
>          abort creating a link in the menu for a file name that
>          is the same as it's parent name.
>         This why the IF section above duplicates the last
>          path element with a .html for directories. %]
>      [% plainfile = %]
>      [% lastchunk = entry.path.split('/').last(2).first %]
>      [%# <p>lc: $lastchunk en: <br>$ </p> %]
>      [% IF lastchunk =='\.tt2','') %]
>         [% RETURN %]
>      [% END %]
>    [% END %]
>    [%#   IF plainfile != lastdir; %]
>    $OTag<a href=$link $class >$linkname </a>$CTag
>    [%#   END %]
> [% END %]
> [% BLOCK set_html_tags %]
>    {%# This section assigns a different class to each menu level.
>        Format using the style sheet. %]
>    [% SWITCH Level %]
>       [% CASE 0 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L1">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>       [% CASE 1 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L1">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>       [% CASE 2 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L2">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>       [% CASE 3 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L3">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>       [% CASE 4 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L4">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>       [% CASE 5 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L5">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>       [% CASE 6 %]
>          [% OTag='<p class="L6">'; CTag='</p>'; %]
>    [% END %]
> [% END %]
> </div>
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