On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 14:26 +0100, Andy Wardley wrote:
> Is anyone likely to object strongly if I remove all the installation of all
> the extra cruft from the Makefile.PL?  Things like HTML docs, various template
> libraries, examples, etc.  The HTML docs have been superceded by what's on the
> web site (which I'll bundle into a separate dist some time RSN for anyone who
> wants HTML docs).  The rest of the stuff is either out-of-date or of marginal
> interest to anyone, IMHO.
> In fact, I should say that I've already removed the above, so if anyone wants
> to complain strongly then now is the time.

The only bit I use a lot (at all) are the local HTML docs  - they're
very handy. More handy than having them remotely available, but if they
were available with an optional download, that would be a good



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