We picked up the upgrade to perl-Template-Toolkit 2.20 off rpmforge last
night, and our website build scripts that use it failed to recurse
subdirectories when building the website.

Output from ttree -v follows:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bugzilla-org]# ttree -v -f etc/ttree.cfg
ttree 2.9 (Template Toolkit version 2.20)

      Source: src
 Destination: dest
Include Path: [ lib ]
      Ignore: [ \b(CVS|RCS)\b, ^#, ~$, \.xml$, \.xsl$, \.cvsignore$,
Makefile$ ]
        Copy: [ \.png$, \.ico$, \.gif$, \.jpg$, \.js$, \.css$,
\.htaccess$, \.txt$ ]
      Accept: [ \.html$ ]
      Suffix: [  ]

  - news                             (not accepted)
  - contribute                       (not accepted)
  - download                         (not accepted)
  - docs                             (not accepted)
  - CVS                              (ignored, matches /\b(CVS|RCS)\b/)
  - robots.txt                       (not accepted)
  - donate                           (not accepted)
  - css                              (not accepted)
  - error404.html                    (not modified)
  - about                            (not accepted)
  - images                           (not accepted)
  - status                           (not accepted)
  - error403.html                    (not modified)
  - security                         (not accepted)
  - .htaccess                        (not accepted)
  - releases                         (not accepted)
  - favicon.ico                      (not accepted)
  - installation-list                (not accepted)
  - features                         (not accepted)
  - developers                       (not accepted)
  - index.html                       (not modified)
  - support                          (not accepted)
  - img                              (not accepted)


The ttree.cfg file mentioned is as follows:

# For more information on the contents of this configuration file, see
#     perldoc ttree
#     ttree -h

# This file gets passed to ttree in bin/build via the -f flag.

# print summary of what's going on

# recurse into any sub-directories and process files

# regexen of things that aren't templates and should be ignored
ignore = \b(CVS|RCS)\b
ignore = ^#
ignore = ~$
ignore = \.xml$
ignore = \.xsl$
# I should be able to do ^\.cvsignore$, but that doesn't work for some
ignore = \.cvsignore$
ignore = Makefile$

# ditto for things that should be copied rather than processed.
copy = \.png$
copy = \.ico$
copy = \.gif$
copy = \.jpg$
copy = \.js$
copy = \.css$
copy = \.htaccess$
copy = \.txt$

# by default, everything not ignored or copied is accepted; add 'accept'
# lines if you want to filter further. e.g.
#    accept = \.html$
#    accept = \.tt2$

accept = \.html$
#accept = \.tmpl$

# options to rewrite files suffixes (htm => html, tt2 => html)
#    suffix htm=html
#    suffix tt2=html

# options to define dependencies between templates
    #depend *=sidebar
#    depend index.html=mainpage,sidebar
#    depend menu=menuitem,menubar

# The following options usually relate to a particular project so
# you'll probably want to put them in a separate configuration file
# in the directory specified by the 'cfg' option and then invoke tree
# using '-f' to tell it which configuration you want to use.
# However, there's nothing to stop you from adding default 'src',
# 'dest' or 'lib' options in the .ttreerc.  The 'src' and 'dest' options
# can be re-defined in another configuration file, but be aware that 'lib'
# options accumulate so any 'lib' options defined in the .ttreerc will
# be applied every time you run ttree.
# # directory containing source page templates
# src = /path/to/your/source/page/templates
# # directory where output files should be written
# dest = /path/to/your/html/output/directory
# # additional directories of library templates
# lib = /first/path/to/your/library/templates
# lib = /second/path/to/your/library/templates

src = src
lib = lib
dest = dest

depend_file = etc/ttree.dep
# depend *=sidebar.tmpl

wrapper = wrapper.tmpl

pre_process = config.tmpl
pre_process = dl.tmpl
#pre_process = breadcrumbs.tmpl

perl5lib = lib/perl
plugin_base = MozillaOrg::Template::Plugin

Reverting to version 2.19 made it all work again.

Dave Miller                                   http://www.justdave.net/
System Administrator, Mozilla Corporation      http://www.mozilla.com/
Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System  http://www.bugzilla.org/

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