Hello and sorry to bother you with what is likely to be a facile
question. But I've read the docs, and browsed the web, though I've not
managed to search the archive of this list as I couldn't find an

I've created a simple template to display customer details from a mysql
DB, the interesting bit looks like

[% FOREACH customer IN DBI.query('SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY name') %]
    <td>[% customer.name %]</td>
    <td>[% customer.address %]</td>
[% END %]

Which works lovely. Now the main thing I'll want to do is limit and
sort the data shown in this table, so ideally I want a SQL statement like

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE $foo = $bar ORDER BY $baz 

and to be able to set them from the cgi.

But I can't get the syntax right, it seems. I've tried

[% FOREACH customer IN DBI.query('SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY [% baz %]') 


[% query = DBI.prepare('SELECT * FROM customer ORDER BY ?') %]
[% FOREACH customer = query.execute('$baz') %]

fwiw the perl calling all this looks like

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use CGI;  # don't reinvent the wheel
use Template;
my $tt = Template->new({
    INCLUDE_PATH => '../templates',
    INTERPOLATE  => 1,
}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";

my $vars = {
    copyright => 'released under the GPL 2008',
    baz => 'email'

$tt->process('ssss', $vars)
    || die $tt->error(), "\n";

so it is set to INTERPOLATE.

So can I nest the Template tags? it would seem not, is there another way
to do this?

I'm sure this is easy, but if it isn't is my best bet to write a
template for the template so I can set my SQL query up at runtime?

thanks loads in advance

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