I had to rebuild my Windows VM recently, which involved recreating my  
Template Toolkit environment from scratch. For reference, I'm now  
using TT 2.20 (building statically with ttree), ActivePerl 5.8.8, an  
assortment of extras like DBD:CSV, and GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (though I'm  
not sure that's relevant). I'm also using Perforce and pulling all  
text files using Windows encoding (including some UTF-8 files).

I had everything working great in my previous Windows environment, but  
with the fresh setup, I have a strange, maddening issue that I've  
searched and experimented with, but I can't seem to sort out. In my  
new TT2 environment, when I generate an HTML page from a template  
(using a main wrapper and one or two other templates), my resulting  
HTML file has an extra *two* carriage returns (control-M) at the end  
of each line. Not a show-stopper, but it does make the files larger,  
and they look a little silly when you view source in a browser. It  
also wreaks havoc on the diff tool I use to detect changes on the live  

Anyone have any idea A) what's going on, and/or B) how best to debug  
this? An ancient neuron seems to remember having an issue similar to  
this before, but I can't seem to wrap my brain around which piece  
(TT2, Perl, etc.) is the culprit.


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