The INCLUDE and PROCESS directives result in Perl code (in the compiled 
template) that goes to the filesystem and retrieves the 
INCLUDEd/PROCESSed template at runtime.

Is it possible to have a directive that actually *compiles* the 
INCLUDEd/PROCESSed template at compile time and inserts it directly into 
the parent template's compiled Perl code?

What we have now is, in pseudo-code:

Template "hello":
Hello, world. [% INCLUDE introduction %]

Template "introduction":
My name is Felipe.

Processed "hello" template:
print "Hello, world.";
include "introduction";  #goes to the filesystem to get the 2nd template

Processed "introduction" template:
print "My name is Felipe.";

Idealized processed "hello" template:
print "Hello, world.";
print "My name is Felipe.";  #processed "introduction", inserted



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